Online Teaching :: Teaching online courses

Teaching online courses

What are the next steps once the course has been designed and built and students are enrolled? What is different about teaching online? And how can instructors connect with students?

These questions are answered, and strategies for teaching online are explored in the Online Teaching Courses Quick-Start topics. Research-based best practices and resources are presented throughout these topics:

These brief topics provide an overview, practical strategies, and useful resources. If you need more information and want to explore further, links to recommended Deep-Dive Topics are also provided at the end of each topic.

Results: 1-20 of 31

No.Document TitleIDUpdatedViews
1Steps for Building an Online Asynchronous Discussion1041662024-08-235487
2Teaching online courses1212832024-08-233642
3About online courses1212572024-08-233007
4Enhancing Online Education: Teaching Strategies1206372024-08-233023
5Using Online Breakout Groups To Increase Student Engagement1079012024-08-235018
6Managing Online Courses1220462024-08-232011
7Online discussions1212902024-08-235054
8Transitioning to the online environment1212672024-08-234057
9Online instructor roles1212642024-08-235560
10Using Online Discussions to Increase Student Engagement1040342024-08-237798
11Resources to share with students1231522024-08-232343
12Online Participation Strategies1231512024-08-231087
13Online Peer Editing1079542024-08-233841
14Student Office Hours1232092024-08-231297
15Supporting eLearners1212872024-08-233254
16Support student's time management1231532024-08-231431
17Online Course Teaching Resources1213302024-08-231339
18Student-Defined Questions in Large Courses (online)1047962024-08-233181
19Pro and Con Grid in Large Courses (online)1037752024-08-233911
20Defining Features Matrix in Large Courses (online)1035842024-08-234036
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