Results: 41-53 of 53

No.Document TitleIDGroupUpdatedViews
41Conference Room B1145129165CALS Biochemistry IT2023-08-10399
42Conference Room 348129111CALS Biochemistry IT2023-08-10316
43Converting NVivo Server Projects to NVivo Server R1111794Social Science Computing Cooperative 2023-03-201442
44Middle Presentation Room 120 Projector Instructions122520OSTFE2022-11-16433
45Using PowerPoint Presentation Screen mode in Lecture Halls55773School of Pharmacy2022-08-011620
46WAN Connectivity for GENI, CS, and related dynamic circuit projects14802Network Services2021-12-019099
47Team projects59265Food Production Systems &
48ASA Document 366. Resolution to support continued funding for institutional projects begun by the WISELI grant34568The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-132594
492020 Project Intake: Timeline and Instructions for Trainee Projects96461UW Health Pharmacy2020-06-04506
502020 Team Projects59168Food Production Systems &
51Group research projects45962Food Production Systems &
52Using RCS to Manage Your Programming Projects15254Network Services2018-03-018042
532010 Micro-teaching projects55786Effective Teaching | Internationally Diverse CC2015-08-311231
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