Results: 61-80 of 1942

No.Document TitleIDGroupUpdatedViews
61ASA Document 685. Motion to Count Years of Service for UW-Extension Academic Staff Moving to UW-Madison Academic Staff82526The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2021-06-092370
62L&S Standard Rates for Short-term Instructional Staff (STS) and Student Assistants28638L&S KB2025-02-0452199
63Staff Professional Development Funding147902Chemistry Department2025-02-0453
64School of Human Ecology Chair Election Process147815School of Human Ecology2025-01-2779
65CHM HR - Employment Categories135646Center for Healthy Minds2025-01-23110
66Faculty Senate Minutes 2016-09-2667084UW Secretary of the Faculty2025-01-225043
67Referral Priority [Campus login required]109063SMPH Human Resources 2025-01-2143
68L&S Rehired Annuitant Appointments38187L&S KB2025-01-178099
69HelioCampus AC - Users - Roles and Permissions [UW-Madison]90850Learn@UW-Madison2025-01-155399
70L&S New Employees -- Useful Resources22982L&S KB2024-12-306767
71L&S Credit Limits in Fall, Spring, and Summer Terms21177L&S KB2024-12-1720730
72L&S Summer Instructional Appointments: Policy and Guidance85547L&S KB2024-12-1712798
73L&S Advising Awards45623L&S KB2024-12-107666
74Turnitin - Using Turnitin with Canvas [UW-Madison]93801Learn@UW-Madison2024-12-0915069
75Entering Time When Working a Legal Holiday70341Russell Labs Hub2024-12-04895
76Courses: Building Requisites110378Academic Planning2024-12-026528
77Guidelines for Appointment & Promotion to Professor of Practice (Non-Credit)117996Extension Handbook2024-11-271619
78Terry et al.101617UW Health Pharmacy2024-11-25408
79Dropping a Course at UW-Madison21705L&S KB2024-11-25137866
80New Hire Workflows [Campus login required]103576SMPH Human Resources 2024-11-21156
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