Results: 61-77 of 77

No.Document TitleIDGroupUpdatedViews
61Recommended Practice for Using Security Focus Reports113400Cybersecurity2024-01-02986
62CloudFax - Frequently Asked Questions102139CloudFax2023-11-099261
63AWS - Granting Users Access to the AWS Management Console using NetID Authentication116997Public Cloud2023-11-08877
64ECMS - Use an Office 365 Service Account and a UW Box Project Directory to Share Files with the ECM/Imaging Service68930ECMS2023-11-083543
65Globus - Globus FAQ [Campus login required]102923UW-Madison Research Data2023-10-16305
66Globus - Terms of Service [Campus login required]109614UW-Madison Research Data2023-10-161
67Kaltura - Privacy settings for MediaSpace channels [UW-Madison]106453Learn@UW-Madison2023-09-273516
68CHM Undergrads - Undergrad Admin Tools129914Center for Healthy Minds2023-08-30261
69Doodle - Responding to an event poll12242UW-Madison Doodle2023-08-0172918
70CCI Private Cloud - Data Elements Allowed in CCI Private Cloud56762CCI Private Cloud2023-06-29625
71Shared Responsibility Model for Cloud Platforms (GCP, AWS and Azure)115300Public Cloud2021-12-202077
72Web Hosting - On-boarding a new employee110260DoIT Web Hosting2021-04-151630
73Doodle - Unable to change theme for branded account12354UW-Madison Doodle2019-12-049520
74Doodle - Scheduling an event12241UW-Madison Doodle2019-12-0431529
75Doodle - Unable to schedule an event using a non-WiscMail ( email address12230UW-Madison Doodle2019-12-0412195
76Bucky Backup Archive - Service Description38755Bucky Backup2017-08-028188
77UW-Madison - IT - Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)59277IT Policy2024-12-2010731
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