Results: 1-12 of 12

No.Document TitleIDGroupUpdatedViews
1Layoff of University Staff53353HR Policies2024-04-1616572
2L&S Non-renewal and/or Layoff of Fixed-Term Renewable and Rolling-Horizon Appointments23757L&S KB2023-06-0111454
3Layoff Reappointment Rights for Academic Staff52774HR Policies2019-04-055844
4ASA Document 281. UFAS Proposal for Layoff/Nonrenewal funding support34282The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-132626
5ASA Document 298. CEBC motion on layoff notification period34381The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-132594
6University Staff Grievances Policy49662HR Policies2024-04-1628634
7Referral Priority (RP) Information Guide65542HR Policies2024-04-159600
8Academic Staff Layoffs53054HR Policies2020-10-2811554
9Referral Priority for Layoffs and Long-term Nonrenewed Academic Staff Employees52773HR Policies2019-04-056601
10Layoff [Glossary]50383HR Policies2019-04-053489
11Layoff Group [Glossary]50384HR Policies2019-04-053551
12Layoff Status [Glossary]50385HR Policies2019-04-053472

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