Declaring Additional Majors Within L&S

The following section explains the rules for L&S undergraduate students pursuing more than one major.

Letters & Science undergraduate students may satisfy the requirements for more than one major. 

It is possible for an L&S undergraduate to declare more than one major if they are eligible (and permitted) to declare the additional major(s).  Students are required to complete all requirements for each major they have declared.  Any L&S undergraduate student interested in declaring or canceling an L&S major, certificate or option in the College of Letters & Science should consult the Guide.  More detailed information can be found at how to declare a major.   Students must make sure they consult with the advisor for each major since majors will limit the number of credits/coursework that can be used for multiple majors.  For general information on L&S major requirements, see degree/major/certificates.  
  • All L&S undergraduate students must declare and complete at least one (1) major in addition to all of the other degree requirements in order to graduate.  Students are required to declare a major by the time they have earned 86 credits.  See L&S Major Declaration Information.  
    • If a student has declared more than one major but does not plan to complete the 2nd or additional major(s), the student must go back to the department(s) to undeclare the the additional major(s).  Students cannot graduate until all requirements in all declared majors have been completed.  
  • L&S undergraduate can only be approved for one Individual Major.   For more information about the possibility of pursuing an Individual Major in L&S, please refer to Individual Major.
  • If a student exceeds 165 credits when pursuing a double major or additional majors, there is an extra tuition surcharge per credit.  More information regarding this topic is available on the Registrar's fee assessment page.   Please refer to tuition surcharge for undergraduate excess credits for more information.
For non L&S majors and L&S undergraduate students:
  • Currently L&S undergraduate students are only able to declare four (4) majors outside of L&S.  These three majors in the School of Education are Education Studies, Health Promotion and Health Equity, and Theatre and Drama.  The one major in the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences (CALS) that an L&S undergraduate can pursue is Global HealthAdditional important information about declaring one of these four majors can be found at declaring a second major outside of L&S for L&S undergraduates.    
    • If an L&S undergraduate student is interested in pursuing a non L&S major besides the two mentioned above, the L&S undergraduate will need to transfer out of L&S into the new school or college (i.e., College of Engineering, School of Education, etc.).  Thus, the student will no longer be considered a degree-seeking candidate in L&S after transferring to the new school/college.
    • Once the L&S undergraduate student transfers into their new school/college on the UW-Madison campus, the student can keep their L&S major as a double/second major in L&S with the approval of the undergraduate academic dean in the new school/college.
Resources for Questions: 
L&S Student Academic Affairs: (608) 262-0617,
L&S Academic Advising Services: (608) 262-5858,

Keywordsdouble major, multiple majors, second major, majors, tuition surcharge, excess cumulative credits, undeclaring major, undeclare additional major, declaring non-L&S major   Doc ID25408
OwnerTori R.GroupL&S KB
Created2012-08-02 09:15:02Updated2023-10-10 08:44:19
SitesL&S KB
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