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University Committee Meeting Minutes 2014-10-06
approved October 13, 2014
October 6, 2014
Present: Broman, Edwards, Fair (chair), Petty, Wendt
Absent: Meyerand
1. Meeting called to order: 12:30 PM.
2. Bill Tracy informed the UC that he is stepping down as president of PROFs.
3. Review of agenda for meeting of Faculty Senate.
5. Edwards moved and Broman seconded to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters.
6. Broman moved and Petty 2nd to reconvene in open session. Motion passed: 2:02PM.
7. Provost update (Sarah Mangelsdorf)
a. Discussion of costs and benefits of national vs local searches for high-level positions.
b. UC updated provost on study of bottom-up (360) review.
c. Discussion of existing review systems at UW-Madison for chairs, deans, and central administration.
8. Broman left: 2:09 PM.
9. Chancellor update (Rebecca Blank)
a. Chancellor informed UC about her blog post on diversity and upcoming posts on budget situation and budget model process.
b. Discussion of UW’s excellent record and approach to issue of concussions.
10. Meeting adjourned: 2:38 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Steven K. Smith