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University Committee Meeting Minutes 2014-06-02
approved June 9, 2014
June 2, 2014
Present: Broman, Fair, Meyerand, Petty, Wendt
Absent: Farrar Edwards
The meeting began at 1:00 p.m.
1. Minutes of the meeting of May 27, 2014 were approved with one typo corrected. (Document 130504).
2. The latest draft (#7) of the Chancellor’s Labor Codes and Licensing Advisory Committee was sent to the UC in advance of the meeting. Tom moved (Grant second) to endorse the draft. Motion carried.
3. Darrell Bazzell provided an overview/orientation to the UW-Madison Budget. At future meetings he would like to present a more specific orientation on Fund 150, Tuition and How it Works, and in August, discuss the Regent budget.
4. Chancellor Blank reported that interviews for the Secretary of the Faculty will take place over the next two weeks. She is interested having a working group look at the changing nature of medical research and other research funding relative to post-docs and other graduate training. Part of the Group’s charge would be to help interim VCRGE and DGS think about these issues.
5. Jo Ellen provided an orientation to the University Committee with special attention to its operational norms and culture. Assignments to UC functions were determined as follows:
a. Waivers-Amy will be the primary presenter in Fall and Tom will be primary in Spring.
b. Civility Committee-Jo Ellen and Beth. The goal is to have draft faculty legislation ready for a first reading at the October, 2014 Senate meeting. They plan to work with ASEC on this as they are planning a similar policy.
c. Committee on Committees Reps—Beth and Dorothy will serve a second term. Their feeling is that second year UC members are better prepared to serve on this committee than first year UC members. They recommended that a permanent UC practice be that service on this committee is assigned to second year members.
d. Grant will continue to serve as Rep to the UW System.
e. Tom will serve as UC Rep on the University Academic Planning Council.
f. Grant will serve on ASEC/UC ad hoc committee related to HR policy and faculty supervisors of academic staff. A second UC member will be needed to appointed.
Jo Ellen announced that a meeting of CIC governance institutions will be held Sept. 24-26 at Ohio State. Tom and Grant expressed an interest in attending.
6. Priorities and Planning for 2014-15:
a. Summer Activities
i. Grievance(s)
ii. Bullying Legislation
iii. Jt. Committee on HR and Faculty role in Supervision
iv. Conference Committee idea to reconcile multi-versions of approved documents. Jo Ellen will follow-up with Provost.
v. Review of FPP to be sure policies are consistent with new VCRGE/DGS changes and create FPP for new University Research Council
vi. Committee appointments for committees that have UC appointing authority plus Educational Innovations Committee
b. Fall Activities
i. Faculty Compensation issues
ii. Integrated Tenure Case monitoring
iii. Divisional Committees: perceptions of role, orientation, Provost involvement in orientation
iv. Establish an Ad Hoc Committee on IRBs.
7. Beth moved (Grant second) convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c), and (f) to discuss personnel matters. Motion carried.
The meeting reconvened in open session at 4:30 p.m.
8. Jolanda Vaderwal Taylor and Dan Gold presented the revised International Travel Policy document (Document 130505). The revisions were based on UC feedback. The policy is intended to be a flexible one while at the same time, minimizing exposure/risk to the University.
Grant suggested removing the word “observe” from Part B, Section I because that word makes that section too prescriptive. Grant moved (Tom second) to approve policy with Grant’s emendation. Motion approved.
9. Issue for Future Discussion: Grant would like the UC to look at the question of accountability of mid- level administrators to those above them as well as those below them. A model for this being military’s 360 degree review.
10. Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 5:03 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
William A. Heiss, M.S.S.W.
Interim Secretary of the Faculty