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University Committee Meeting Minutes 2014-04-14

approved April 21, 2014
April 14, 2014
Present: Bernard-Donals, Cook, Fair, Meyerand, Petty 
Absent: Farrar Edwards
The meeting began at 1:02 p.m.
1. Approve minutes of the meeting of April 7 (Document 130482)  approved
b. Updates and Announcements
Labor Licensing Committee….lidia’s committee.  Chancellor is still not happy with that committee.  MBD met with Charles Hastet regarding changing the committee. Chancellor could refashion the charge and the make up of the committee.  May come to the UC to help revise the charge in the next month or two.  Chance really wants the committee to be functional.
Someone on the Gov’s staff discovered that Profs.  Automatic deduction.  Gov. thinks this is a violation of ACT 10. But, Found letters in the file that System and gove’s office agreed this was fine.   Thought PROFs came under the “or other group” clause along with charitable organizations which is meant to be 501C3.
Bullying Ad Hoc Committee---Lisa is not able or willing to see the process piece through.  MBD thinks we should write the process for faculty legislation.  Work on this over the summer.  
Theatre and Drama---steve stern and mbd talked appears that communications have broken  down. Steve is trying to deal with it.
Academic staff Executive Committee…they would vote on vcr/dgs after the senate.  And 2) passed a resolution would not support professor of practice because it would undermine academic staff. 
Professor of Practice----Heather want Sec Fac to collect data on how it gets used and how often.  Which means UC has to be monitoring.
BH Load ASM doc on civic engagement.
Dual Roles is done mbd will send to chairs
Fac reps---Grant previewed a future agenda item that would suggest that the fac rep not be a member of the UC but be appointed by the UC for a 3-4 yr term.  Need for continuity and feels strongly or identify strongly with the role.  Someone who sufficient interest to be engaged in other reps and regents.  Grant would be willing to do once he finished UC.
Grant had conversations iwth people re dgs/vcr wants UC to endeavor to take Irwin’s letter with offense.  Try not to take it personally.  Listening thing not a persuasion thing. Copy of Irwin’s letter to senators…because dean’s letter got out.  Perceptioin that the gs was weakend  change title from dean of the grad school “e.g.” exec assoc. vice chancellor for graduate education.   
1. Hector DeLuca/Rick Amasino
Their insight on the Working Group Report and anything the UC should  be mindful of as the UC moves forward.
DeLuca---what is graduate all’s research and graduate education.  Intertwined.  You don’t want the graduate dean begging for money for research.  Worry because it’s a bottom up university not a top down university .  It’s up to us to decide what happens on this campus.  Splitting them up makes this weakened.  Worries about the dissapation of WARF funds.  
WARF GIFT---protect it and make sure that its used as its always been used.  Deluca wants to roll back the gift to support younger faculty.   The gift that comes back to the faculty from WARF should administered by the faculty.  Deluca report had divisional committee electing people to serve on the WARF oversight stuff.  Because too much control over the funds has moved to administration.  Deluca wants the faculty to play a much stronger role.  Body of faculty who know more about research than the administrators.
Need to Set up a structure where there are certain lines that cannot be drawn.  Doesn’t want the dean of the grad school to beg for money.  Who determines what the budget line is?  Who allocates the dollars?  Basic issue is the two positions fighting over the funds.
De luca wants to the UC to pay more attention to the faculty governance issues.  Because deans are having too much of a voice in selecting whose on the monitoring committees and doesn’t really have divisional representation.  
DeLuca worried about the new positions.  DeLuca wants to see the proliferation of administrators on this campus stopped.  Be sure that what we end up is not more administrators and too much money on the campus  going to administration.
Provost Update:
Brought information that show admissions data for the system .  We are up 4-5%.  GB down 17%.  Milwaukee thinks we are taking students away from other campuses because we are up.  Thinks it’s a question of demographics.   
Outofstate students perform almost the same as in state…in terms of act/sat score, graduation rates and time to degree.  The best set of those metric are Minnesota residents.   We are getting an outstanding group of students from Minnesota.
ACT/SAT writing portions not be used---he doesn’t agree with that.  (But he didn’t know all the CURRAFA data.) He would like to see some compelling argument for getting rid of that.   Predictive value, access, usefulness in determining admission.   How you use the data is more important.   We are slightly behind MI and Ill in standardized test.  
Where do D2P fit in a vcr dgs model?  Chancellor-Provost relationship should stay.    Fit in with VCR higher than a center with a dotted line to chance and provost.
44 of the last 100 hires are people of color.
Grant /beth go into open session.
4. (3:00) VCR/DGS - Irwin Goldman
What should the UC be mindful of as they move forward.   Feeling out there that now that the 2010 document has been voted upon, now the move should be to amend it.  We got this 
URC is good.  Safety task force is good.  
The % of appointments doesn’t need to be in the recommendations.  Let’s the deans work that out.  
Splitting of the position is the most sensitive.  Hard notion was the Grad School dean was reporting to the VCR…made it seem like a step down.  VCRDGS….Vice Dean or Assoc. something or the so that seems higher.  Dean of the Grad School having a larger title.   
Some conversation about the structure of reporting.  Dean of the grad school; vcr?  Provost?
WARF gift.  Basic science people thought it would get diluted because the vcr will spread it around. Others  thought it would be another layer.    MBD postulated that warf money was a pass through to the divisional faculties who would distributed.   Assured people that the intent is to get to the money to as close to the faculty as possible.  WARF gift will be used for the purposes in which it was intended.   The funds for fellowships will under control of the dean with administered by the faculty; the research money will be through the vcr but oversight by the faculty.
Perception that this is just a way for the chancellor to get a hold of the money.  Spelling it out like above will help dispel this idea.
Washing ton  not clear.  Does it have to be spelled out in a recommendation?  He doesn’t think so.  The  broader case is that with VCR GE and a DGS have 2 people who  can devote 100% so you have 200% instead of 100% of one person who’s trying to do both.  Irwin: What about the cost?
Letters….for now, Irwin should give out his stuff to whomever asks for it.  UC wants to look docs to be available: deans letter, irwin’s letter, the safety report;
 doc 2190b is the deluca resolution.  Can you vote on a new motion or do you amend.  He thinks you have to amend it or resind it.
 Susan Zaeske—what should we be mindful of as we go?
Sue did come to the conclusion that the Grad School does need forward to be reorganized per the working group report.  Grad school under performing, bloated and not good leadership.  Shocked about safety issues.  
Sue doesn’t think it would be weakened.  No weaker than the status quo.  VCR needs to be strong to stand up to WARF.   We need to be more nimble.  We are trying to achieve change.  The grad school doesn’t have its own budget;  doesn’t deliver either.
Arts and Humanities  and (social sciences) effects.  Landscape for funding is changing.  We need to be more nimble.  Centgered strong representation to be at the table.  Crucial when a vcr is hired that that person understand the importance of all disciplines on this campus.  There is not doubt in her mind that we get a good d2p person who supports the arts.   Crucial that we maintain equal funding across the divisions.   
Need an emboldened structure that stands under an emboldened leader.
Crucial to have divisional representation at the VCR level.  Important to keep the VCR in check.  Less so at the Grad School.  
Tom Kuech
WARF Gift-----Little transparency to the faculty about what happens with the money and the indirects on campus.  Issues have not been address for example, the amount of indirects have not changed to the campus.  That doesn’t make sense.  Contributes to the lack of trust between the divisions.  Does n’t think this has changed from the Deluca time.
The relationship with WARF is not well understood.  How is it determined how much we get.   Infrastructure needs now.  Needs capitalization now.  A discussion that has to be made with WARF.  Discussion needs to take place about Building the infrastructure to engage in graduate education.   
A lot of discussions needed which all boils down to the relationship with WARF. 
Many things in the grad school that don’t require a chancellor person.  Takes a different kind of person than someone who’s trying to negotiate with the state and others/WARF.  Combining the 2 the pressure of this issue that will bog down.  Need someone who looks to the outside instead.
Dean of the GS is important to sit on the Deans Council.    What would you want a DGS do if the grad school falls by the wayside under a vcr that heavy research and less grad edu.
Going at logger heads with WARF is not a good thing.
CURRAFA-Kent Weigel, Adele Brumfield
Where are losing potential applicants.  What barriers are there.  This is one of the areas that was a barrier.    
Presented a chart on incomplete applications.
Have learned that DPI is by 2015 ACT+writing (not combined).  A change since the Kent’s email.  Writing component doesn’t have a lot of bearing because they are sending a writing sample. What they have to send in their app gives all that is needed without the writing sampe from the ACT or SAT samples.  Claire Hune has looked at this.  
Next Steps….recommended as a committee.   Email should be part of the end of the year report and see where to take this next.  Will need to be a Fall report and recommendation for fall senate meeting. 
The meeting adjourned at 5:05 p.m.

University Committee 
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Owned by:
Julie S. in UW Secretary of the Faculty
UW Secretary of the Faculty