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University Committee Meeting Minutes 2015-04-06

approved April 13, 2015
April 6, 2015
Present: Edwards, Fair (chair), Meyerand, Petty, Wendt
Absent: Broman

1. Meeting called to order: 12:30 PM.
2. New data digest and “fast facts” were distributed.
3. Minutes of the meeting of March 23, 2015, approved.
4. Fair reviewed assignments for vice provost for diversity on-campus meetings.
5. Fair reviewed work of chapter 6 review subcommittee and plan for Senate submission.
6. Discussion of charge for post-tenure review committee, which will include: review of policies at peer institutions, review of how schools/colleges conduct reviews, degree to which departments are in compliance with policy, recommendations on policy with regards to process, merit, accountability. 
7. Fair called the UC’s attention to revised CALS APC document available for review. 
8. Legislative update (PROFS). O’Meara updated the UC on legislative process, meetings with legislators and staffers, upcoming discussions with other campuses, and differences in approach between state senate and assembly. Senator Darling expressed interest in possibly coming to campus to meet with shared governance. Ample discussion.
9. Brief discussion of UW System task forces.
10. Edwards enthusiastically moved and Meyerand 2nd to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. Motion passed:  12:53 PM.
11. Rule waiver requests.
a. The UC considered and unanimously approved one dual role waiver request.
b. The UC considered and unanimously approved on tenure clock extension request.
12. Committee memberships.
a. The UC discussed possible members for an ad hoc faculty committee on post-tenure review. Need to balance diversity of colleges/schools with agile, flexible committee with broad experience. Seven names selected to be approached, representing CALS, Education, Engineering, L&S, Nursing, SMPH, and SOHE. 
b. Athletic Board: Discussion of potential names to be encouraged to apply. Application process will include emphasis on prior service to university. 
13. Edwards quickly moved and Wendt 2nd to reconvene in open session. Motion passed: 1:37 PM.
14. Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education update (Marsha Mailick) 
a. Mailick thanked the UC for their support and help during her interim appointment, especially with getting the center review plan moving. This activity will now be taken over by the URC.
b. Mailick distributed “Goals for 2015-16” document created for her debriefing with the chancellor following official appointment as VCRGE. Items to be addressed include Graduate School staffing and structure, student funding and guarantees, expansion of research funding from federal and non-federal sources, campus research infrastructure, and entrepreneurship. Ample discussion.
15. Provost update (Sarah Mangelsdorf)
a. Mangelsdorf discussed 2015-19 strategic framework, including process followed for development, input, and how this fits with reaccreditation. Discussion.
b. Preparatory discussion of senate meeting, which provost will chair.
c. Discussion of ad hoc post-tenure review committee. 
d. Discussion of transparency and availability of teaching and course evaluations. Consensus that this issue should be discussed in greater detail at future meeting.
e. Following a question from the UC about how much of the Morgridge matching grant has been spoken for (~60%), general discussion of endowed chairs, pay raises, faculty lines, and related departmental and school/college policies.
16. Meeting adjourned: 2:30 PM.

University Committee april 
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Sara K. in UW Secretary of the Faculty
UW Secretary of the Faculty