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University Committee Meeting Minutes 2014-08-18

University Committee Meeting Minutes

approved August 25, 2014
August 18, 2014
Present: Fair, Broman, Farrar-Edwards, Petty (by telephone), Wendt;
Absent:  Meyerand

1. Meeting called to order: 2:00 PM
a. Minutes of the meeting of August 4, 2014, approved
b. Discussion of fall agenda, future projects, workload
i. 360 Review: Recommend surveying colleges on importance and process; summarize findings in report to provost with recommendation. Petty and Broman will follow up.
ii. Institutional Research Boards: Several issues worthy of discussion, including need to determine boundaries between faculty and administration responsibilities, process, logistics, accreditation, and so on. Recommend developing broad parameters of issues for discussion with interim VCR. Farrar-Edwards and Meyerand will pursue.
iii. RSP should also be discussed with interim VCR.
c. WARF committee: Committee suggestions fine, but University Research Council would have same responsibilities. Consensus that committee will be discharged until VCR/GS reorganization is finalized and ad hoc committee recommendations are implemented. 
2. CIO Bruce Maas and Vice Provost for Teaching & Learning Steve Cramer: Unizin and Canvas.
Overarching goal: Avoid proprietary software trap where UW cannot adapt platform to campus needs. Unizin agreement is attempt at different path and results from lengthy and in-depth work with CIO colleagues at other campuses. Based on EI fundamentals and belief that infrastructure should not drive campus, but rather should align with it. Previous experience ranges from successful UW involvement with Internet 2 (which saved money and contributed significantly to research) to scholarly publishing (which resulted in increased costs and lack of control over outcomes). Unizin infrastructure designed to flexibly support teaching and learning and is true partnership of academic institutions with private sector. 
3. Dean Lori Berquam, Housing Director Jeff Novak, ASM Representatives Tom Gierok and Jen Carter: Update on elections and voter registration. Successful and ongoing collaborations between students, housing, registrar, and others to inform students and encourage participation. 
4. Petty moved and Broman 2nd to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1) (c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. Motion passes: 3:21 PM. 
5. Farrar-Edwards and Broman 2nd Reconvene in open session. Motion passes: 3:42 PM.
6. Vice Provost for Faculty and Staff Bernard-Donals
a. Update on CCF: need to determine funding source for 3rd round. (Handouts:Guidelines from Round 2 and Summary of 2nd round rollout.) UC opinion is that the 2nd round guidelines were better. Request from VPFS: UC members individually review guidelines.
b. Update on clusters: Program at financial equilibrium; current lines being weaned off central funding. Discussion about what cluster program should look like moving forward. UC recommends an independent review. 
7. Budget document in Box for UC review.
8. Meeting adjourned: 4:18 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Steven K. Smith
Secretary of the Faculty

KeywordsUniversity Committee   Doc ID60196
OwnerJulie S.GroupUW Secretary of the Faculty
Created2016-01-27 15:00:25Updated2023-07-17 14:22:06
SitesUW Secretary of the Faculty
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