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University Committee Meeting Minutes 2016-02-15

Minutes approved 2/29/2016
Minutes for February 15, 2016

UC members present: Broman, Litovsky, Meyerand (chair), Wanner, Wendt
UC member absent: Edwards
Others present: McFadden, Radomski, S. Smith, Richard

Chair Meyerand called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. Smith provided updates on the Budget Advisory Committee and the ad hoc committee on IRBs. Broman called the UC’s attention to a final response to the BoR on System tenure policies being developed by the faculty representatives.

Jack O’Meara (PROFS) said that the legislature claims to be finishing its session this week, although they are just taking up the governor’s college affordability package, which Senate already said it would change. O’Meara also distributed PROFS statement on the affordability package and welcomes comments and input. PROFS forum on self-insurance for next week is coming together. 

Minutes of the meeting of February 8, 2016, approved as amended.

Former ULC chair Karl Broman and UW Libraries Director of Scholarly Communication Carrie Nelson presented a draft open access policy approved by the University Library Committee. Key idea is that faculty and other authors would give the university the right to distribute articles. Opt-out clause would be included as a number of journals require it. UW is late adopter so many details have already been worked out by other universities. Benefit to authors in terms of timeliness and audience. Ample and wide-ranging discussion, including process, impact on tenure promotion, importance of public access, benefit to authors, robustness of archive. Discussion and endorsement by Faculty Senate would be of value in getting university to adopt policy. Will go to March Senate.

Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration Darrell Bazzell’s bittersweet final meeting with the UC was dominated by discussion about the budget model committee and the future of the model. UC will discuss with chancellor at greater length to determine if 50% exposure is still the goal. Now going from initial 5% to 10% instead of originally forecast 25% second step. Bazzell sees critical issue less the percent exposure than the creation of “discretion at the center” to allow capacity to deal with unforeseen consequences and some anticipation of shifts in, for example, student interests. Meyerand asked a general question about budget environments in public vs private universities. Ample discussion. VCFA portion of the meeting concluded with a discussion about Austin’s structure compared to Madison’s and a round of deep thanks and appreciation for all Bazzell has done for UW.
Provost Sarah Mangelsdorf returned to the discussion of workload policy. There is a revision of the 1994 System policy being worked on by Cross’s office. New document (ACIS-8) is a definite improvement. Ample discussion. Broman updated the provost on the open access discussion and she said she would circle back with Van Gamert for more information. Radomski raised the topic of an accountability dashboard and advocated creating one for UW. All present concurred.

Equity and Diversity Committee chair Parmesh Ramanathan presented that body’s annual report. Ample discussion, including on how best to share information on non-gendered bathrooms and lactation rooms, how campus policies are set and communicated, and whether policies needed to be changed or simply communication needed to be improved. Policy change on some of these items would present a significant hurdle, while implementation could be possible by discussions with deans. Campus has been improving in this regard. Another issue is the apparently fundamental COI in terms of who represents the university when there are challenges. Investigation and defense of cases both rest in legal services, perhaps compounded by locating office of compliance in same unit. Responsibilities not completely clear, but having director of compliance report to legal services may be something UC should discuss. Creation of Office of Compliance was action by committee, but how that gets implemented is not in their purview. There is a document outlining principles that should be followed. 

Broman moved to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. Seconded and passed at 3:00 p.m. Following the fifth and final Athletic Board candidate interview, the UC discussed the candidates, agreeing that all were good. Three were unanimously selected to advance to the chancellor for consultation and approval. The UC considered and returned without approval a rule waiver request for additional information and clarification. The UC suggested a letter from the provost to the dean and department chairs related to the request reiterating that academic staff dual roles cannot start until waivers are approved. Ample discussion and decision on grievance, which SOF will communicate to griever and dean’s office. Litovsky literally moved to reconvene in open session to adjourn. Motion was seconded and passed at 4:06 pm, which is also the time the meeting was adjourned.

University committee 
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Julie S. in UW Secretary of the Faculty
UW Secretary of the Faculty