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University Committee Meeting Minutes 2019-12-09

University Committee Meeting Minutes

Minutes approved 12/16/2019

Minutes for December 9, 2019

UC members present: Warfield (chair), Campagnola, Halverson, Sandgren, Ventura, Wolf

Also present: Bill Tishler, Jane Richard, Yvonne Kim, Jake Smith, and Michelle Felber, and those listed below

Chair Terry Warfield called the meeting to order at 1:15. Campagnola reported on the most recent Board of Regents Educational Committee meeting and the great support of this campus by Regent Klein. The minutes for the meeting of November 25 were approved and the minutes for December 2 were approved with a correction.

Athletic Board chair Pete Miller reported on the Big10 conference meeting in Indianapolis and the new commissioner, Kevin Warren; Miller’s report to the conference emphasized Wisconsin’s commitment to academics, and concern over the commodification of college athletics. Following up on his previous meeting, Miller had a handout to illustrate student athlete transfers to and from Big10 schools; which affects the student experience. Wisconsin is balanced, while Indiana has a high transfer rate; the rates are not limited to sport (more typically related to a coaching change). Miller outlined key recruiting points for the Athletic Board (e.g., AB is time intensive, with 30-40 meetings/year; it’s valuable to have a balanced learning perspective: fan versus critic; and more diversity would be great).  

Graduate School dean Bill Karpus had four reporting points:

·         Changes to the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) will impact project assistants by increasing the salary point for being exempt for earning overtime pay; RAs and TAs remain exempt, but PAs will have to track hours. Detailed communiques have gone out, but there are still some questions.  

·         It’s graduate admissions season! The e-app review module has been improved; use GRE’s as only a part of the process; Council of Graduate Schools (CGS) resolution affirms that students can’t be pressured into answering a financial support offer before April 15.

·         Academic leave policy is being developed for graduate students by an ad hoc committee. Currently, if grad students take a leave, they must re-apply which usually involves a fee. Being done in conjunction with University Health Services.  

·         National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine mentoring report is STEMM focused c but recommendations could be applied to all disciplines to strengthen mentoring.

The UC asked about the Graduate Assistant Procedures and Policies document under revision and the graduate student advisory board.

Provost Karl Scholz reported on the recent Board of Regents meeting; an online education SOHE pilot starting fall 2020 that will influence 3 programs for fall 2021.

Sandgren moved to go into closed session which was seconded and passed at 2:10. The UC discussed personnel matters with the Provost until 2:50 when Sandgren moved to reconvene in open session which was seconded and passed.

Chief of Police Kristen Roman reported on her perspective on the protest policy: Protest Administrative Review Team (PART) recently met to look at language, especially on what is considered disruptive; planned protests are working out well: good communication; no sanctions have been though there is an option to appeal; holding pattern while system deliberates. A thoughtful discussion ensued.

Jack O’Meara (PROFS) reported on a bill focused on giving credit to instructors teaching graduate students and farmers; the 2% pay plan for state workers has still not been approved. 

Chair Warfield adjourned the meeting at 3:10.

KeywordsUniversity committee   Doc ID97193
OwnerJenny S.GroupUW Secretary of the Faculty
Created2020-01-17 11:27:46Updated2024-10-01 08:09:44
SitesUW Secretary of the Faculty
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