Email Address

An email address identifies the account that messages should be delivered (e.g., An account can have multiple email addresses. Each account in Microsoft 365 has only one primary address, but an account can have multiple alternate addresses. An account will accept email for any email address on the account.

Email Domain

In email addresses, the domain is the part of an email address comes after the @ symbol. For example, for the email address of "", the domain is "".

Microsoft 365 Account

The location in the Office 365 system where your email, calendar, task list, and address book are stored. Each Office 365 account has one primary address, but can have many alternate addresses.


In Microsoft 365, permissions can enable an individual to access another individual's mail, calendars, and contacts. For example, if User A wanted the ability to modify events in User B's calendar, User B would need to assign read/write/modify permissions to User A. Review complete list of permissions levels (and definitions): Microsoft 365 - Mail and Calendar folder permission levels.

Primary Address

In Microsoft 365, your primary address is the email address associated with your Microsoft 365 account that will appear as your "From" address on emails and calendar invites. It will also appear as a result in the global address look up feature in Microsoft 365. For further information, click here.


A sub-domain is a domain that is part of a larger domain; the only domain that is not also a sub-domain is the root domain. For example, and are sub-domains of the domain.

Wisc Account Administration Site

A web site that allows administrators and end users to manage accounts (NetID and departmental) that access Office 365, WiscMail, CloudFax, Box, Qualtrics, LastPass, and Google Apps.