Topics Map > UW Theme Functionality > Page Elements

WiscWeb - Equal height blocks for content layouts

These instructions will show you how to make your content appear in equal heights in a content layout.

Know before you start

The match card heights feature will only work for the following page elements: 

  • Text Blocks with a drop shadow or UW Card Style
  • Featured Content Blocks with a drop shadow or UW Card Style
  • Group of Links Menus (only when displayed as blocks, not buttons)

Other page elements will be unaffected by this setting. 

Additionally, this option is only available in 2 and 3 column layouts. It will not display when a 1 column layout is chosen. 

Match card heights instructions

To set your content layouts to have equal heights for the cards/blocks, follow these steps: 

  1. Click on the gear icon Gear icon with blue background in the top right corner of the content layout

  2. Check the box that says "Equal Height Blocks"

    Equal heights block checkbox in WiscWeb

  3. Publish your page

Before/after example


Example of unequal block heights for content layout in UW Theme


Example of equal block heights for content layout in UW Theme

equal, match, matched, card, block, height, even, rows
Doc ID:
Owned by:
Jenna K. in WiscWeb
DoIT Help Desk, WiscWeb