CHM Overview

A collection of some important KB pages for new folks.

Getting Started (So, you're new)

Welcome! The KB is a reference resource for Center for Healthy Minds (CHM). To get you started, we have compiled a list of the most important items for new folks like yourself. If you have any questions about this information, feel free to reach out to Brendon Panke (

    Who We Are

    Our community is made up of the Center for Healthy Minds (CHM) and Healthy Minds Innovations (HMI) along with collaborators across the The University of Wisconsin-Madison and around the world.

    CHM uses several facilities on campus. Our primary facility is the Kennedy Building, where most of our offices and data collection rooms are located. CHM also has data collection rooms at the Brogden Psychology building, and uses the brain imaging equipment at the Waisman Center.

    Here is a video introduction to the Kennedy Building.

    We want to know who you are! Please complete the New Employee Survey to be added to the CHM website

    Key People

    Below is a list of key people to reach out to if you have a question.

    • IT and computer help:
    • CHM Human Resources (payroll, benefits, etc): Lisa Wesley (
    • Facility related questions:
    • Resource-related questions: Brendon Panke (
    • CHM Purchasing: Debra Dawdiziak, Sarah Keib (
    • Research assistance: Research Support Core (
    • General administrative questions, if you don’t know who to ask: Brittany Thomson (
    • Assistant to the Director, Jennie Nguyen, to facilitate emails to Dr. Davidson:

    Contact information for CHM and HMI employees not listed above can be found in the Personnel Contact List.

    Community Culture

    CHM's Core Values and Culture Committee.

    Getting set up with the University

    If you haven’t already, set up your NetID as soon as possible.

    The University requires multi-factor authentication (MFA) to login to all of its platforms. Instructions for how to set up a MFA account and install the phone app can be found here. If you would like to use a MFA fob instead of your phone, email Brendon ( to request one.

    External Communication

     If you are contacted directly by the media about CHM or CHM's work, or if you receive a concerning communication, please do not respond and forward the communication to your supervisor, Heather Harris (CHM Communications and Marketing Director, and Isa Dolski (CHMAssociate Director,

    Physical Resources


    The Kennedy Building has limited parking space available, and use of the lot is prioritized for visitors and research participants. Please limit your personal use of the lot to twice per week maximum to help ensure parking stall availability for business needs, and equal access among employees.

    Parking passes need to be displayed on all cars parked in the lot. Passes for visitors can be picked up at the front desk. For staff parking passes, please email Brendon (

    A parking reservation is required each time a car parks in the Kennedy lot. Reservations are made though Yarooms.

    Guidelines and options for parking.

    Maps & Meeting Rooms

    Maps of the Kennedy Building can be found on the linked page.

    The Kennedy Building has conference and huddle rooms, phone booths, research rooms, and a privacy room. A full list of these rooms and the resources they include can be found on the reserving a room KB page.


    There are two kitchens at the Kennedy Building. The building janitorial staff does not clean the kitchens, so to ensure that the kitchens stay a clean and organized space for everyone, please make sure to tidy up after yourself and wash and put away all your dishes.

    CHM Facilities - Superautomatic Espresso/Coffee Maker, Tea Kettles, Tea Co-op

    Food Nearby

    There are a number of options for restaurants near the Kennedy Building from right across the street to around the Wisconsin State Capital, which is a little less than a mile away.

    Office Supplies & Printing

    There are two supplies areas in the Kennedy Building, one on each floor. You are welcome to use the supplies as you need.

    There is a printer upstairs at Kennedy and a printer at Brogden, which also have scanning and copying capabilities. For sustainability and cost efficiency reasons, please try to limit how many pages you print, and print in gray-scale as much as possible.

    Please note that the scanners are not considered secure for sending confidential or restricted information. If needed, the second floor supply area has a fax machine which can be used for sending protected information.

    Trash, Recycle, Compost

    Trash and recycle bins can be found throughout the building and are emptied twice weekly by the Kennedy janitorial staff. Due to the size of our community, there are not waste bins at individual desks. You’re welcome to set up a personal waste bin at your desk, but please keep in mind that you will be responsible for emptying it into the larger community bins.

    Our community also composts, thanks to Brendon Panke. Compost bins can be found on both floors, under the kitchen sinks. 

    Bookshelves at Kennedy

    You can check out any of the books on the shelves at Kennedy by using this google sheet: Listing of books on Kennedy Shelves

    Online Resources

    Accounts (which login to use)

    You will be using several different accounts while at CHM. We recommend using a password schema, as outlined in this video, to help manage your various passwords.

    • UW NetID and password: email, internet, Google suite, CHM community computer, library, and CHM shared drives
    • Brain Imaging (BI) username and password: BI shared drives and BI database
    • Yarooms: the room and parking reservation system.


    The University uses Outlook and the domain for all business emails. Emails to the community are sent using Google Groups (g-groups), the University email listserv system. If you believe that you're not receiving community emails, you can reach out to Brendon Panke ( to confirm that you're on the appropriate g-group(s).

    Google Calendar

    Google calendar (gcal) is the primary calendaring system for CHM and HMI. Here are University resources for the Google Workspace tools available through the University.

    There are four community-wide calendars:

    • Community Activities: for work-related activities that the entire community is invited to attend. Here is a list with descriptions and expectations around recurring meetings.
    • Vacation: for knowing when CHM employees will be on vacation or otherwise out of the office for an extended period of time
    • CHM Front Desk: shows when there is front desk coverage

    Contact Brendon Panke ( for access to these calendars.


    Slack is a workplace communication and messaging tool. CHM and HMI share a joint Slack workspace, designed to foster culture and communication between teams and the organizations. More information about accessing Slack email Brendon (


    Yarooms is used to make room and parking reservations. Instructions on how to make reservations.


    CHM has a technology library. Find out more about the library.


    CHM and HMI have a shared monthly community newsletter. If you have any news, events, reminders, gratitude, or personal achievements you want to include in the newsletter please email

    Archived past issues.

    Undergraduate Students

    Take a look at the Undergrad Information page for information specific for undergrads working at CHM.

    Regular Community Events

    Short descriptions of some of the key reoccurring events. All of these events can be found on the CHMI Community Calendar.

    Opportunities for Internal Funding

    CHM Grants - Center Director Funding

    CHM Grants - CHM Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Fund

    Kennedy, YaRooms, New Hires, Contact, People you want to remember, contacts, Kitchen, maps, office supplies, printing, newsletter, calendar, calendars, crisis communication, crisis communications 
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    Owned by:
    Brendon P. in Center for Healthy Minds
    Center for Healthy Minds