Course Planning Group (CPG)

  • The Course Planning Group (CPG) is a cross functional team within Education Support Services (ESS) which offers support in professional development course instruction and logistical coordination.

Distance Degree

  1. A Distance Degree is an Online Masters Degree. For a complete listing of degrees, visit

Dunning Letter

  1. A dunning letter is a notification sent to a customer, stating that the customer is overdue in paying an account receivable to the sender.

Industrial Refrigeration Center (IRC)

  • The Industrial Refrigeration Consortium (IRC) is a collaborative effort between the University of Wisconsin-Madison and industry. They work to improve the safety, efficiency, and productivity of industrial refrigeration systems and technologies, realizing this goal by conducting applied research, delivering knowledge transfer, and providing technical assistance. Although efforts are focused on industrial refrigeration systems that utilize anhydrous ammonia, they also work with systems that use other refrigerants.

    The IRC offers a unique combination of complementary resources that include academic qualifications, technical expertise, and practical experience. They provide objective information that is not biased by an affiliation with any particular organization.

LDT and Marketing Production Team

  1. The LDT and Marketing Production Team Education Support Services team that is responsible for the creation, processing, and delivery of instructional and promotional assets for InterPro efforts.

Learning Design and Technologies (LDT)

  1. The Learning Design and Technologies (LDT) team provides effective support, consultation, strategic planning, and leadership in all current and emerging areas of teaching, learning, and technologies. Their work supports faculty, staff and students, and includes all phases of instructional design, development, and evaluation.

    They are dedicated to providing high quality learning experiences; empowering stakeholders with effective best practices, technologies, support and consultation; building constructive partnerships with UW-Madison campus units; and sustaining a strong record of scholarly activity through research and conferences in order to stay informed of emerging areas that drive educational innovation.

Learning Environment

  1. learning environment is a combination of social and physical qualities that create the classroom experience. It includes classroom management procedures, as well as the way the space is organized, furnished and maintained.

Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP)

  1. The Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP) provides state and local municipalities with the resources and training required to manage their road systems. Training — from government and industry experts, engineering consultants, contractors, and highway and enforcement agency representatives — includes one-day workshops in several different locations around the state. Resources include videos, and online and printed manuals, bulletins, and Crossroads articles.

    The UW-LTAP is part of the
    National Local Technical Assistance Program Association (NLTAPA), as Wisconsin's LTAP center.

Marketing Message

  1. Marketing Message is content within promotional material that is designed to inform the reader about what to expect and why they should attend a course. Examples of Marketing Message content include: target audience, attending benefits, course content, and testimonials. It is often reviewed and updated with input from both the Program Director and/or Program Associate and the EPD Marketing team. It does not include administrative/logistical information.

Notebook Production Group (NPG)

  1. The Notebook Production Group (NPG) collaborates with instructors and EPD faculty and staff to create high-quality digital and printed course material for EPD's professional development courses. The team uses a combination of tools, expertise, and a streamlined, efficient, and organized process are to ensure that all materials meet the needs of both internal and external customers.

Program Number

  1. A Program Number can currently be viewed in CSIS by using the unique ET Instance Number assigned to a unique offering of a course being held over specific dates in a specific location. See also: Instance Number [KB Program Number]

Program Support

  • Program Support is responsible for working with program directors, department faculty, guest lecturers, instructional designers, technical specialists, and student employees to coordinate the scheduling, development, and delivery of both credit and non-credit courses from inception through evaluation.