Academic Staff
- Academic Staff are respected professionals who hold positions in virtually every unit on campus. These positions are either unique to higher education and/or provide direct support for academic programming and/or develop and implement policies at UW-Madison. The academic staff contribute daily to the quality and reputation of a University recognized and respected around the world. Learn more.
AEN Number
- AEN Number is another name for the Clone ID [KB Clone ID] or curriculum ID [KB Curriculum ID].
Course Number
- The Course Number is another way of referring to an Instance Number [KB Instance Number], or an unique identifier that refers to a specific offering of a course.
Curriculum ID
- Curriculum ID, as seen in CSIS, is using the ET Clone ID number that is assigned to the basic curriculum of the course. It is inclusive of Programs that share the same curriculum. See also: Clone ID [KB Clone ID]
Emeritus Staff
- Emeritus Staff The status of Emeritus/Emerita is an honorary title conferred upon individuals who have had permanent employment at UW-Madison, are 55 years of age or older, and have completed a minimum of ten years of distinguished service.
EPD Academic Staff Committee
- EPD Academic Staff Committee This committee assists department academic staff with information about academic staff governance and promotions. They are also connected with the college-wide CASI: Committee on Academic Staff Issues which advises the College of Engineering dean on academic staff policy and procedure formulation, review and development, in compliance with campus policies and procedures.
EPD Community
The EPD Community is a central space within Socialcast where conversations can occur related to EPD events or outings, announcements on achievements or fun facts/stories, and anything else the department would like the EPD Community to become.
Human Resources
- Human Resources handles payroll, benefits, payroll funding information, recruiting, reclassifications and promotions, retirements, emeritus appointments, HR concerns.
Instance Number
- Instance Number, which can be viewed in ET, is a unique ET Number assigned to a unique offering of a course being held over specific dates in a specific location. See also: Program Number [KB Program Number]
InterPro Customer Service
InterPro Customer Service is responsible for handling emails from customers.
LDT and Marketing Production Team
- The LDT and Marketing Production Team Education Support Services team that is responsible for the creation, processing, and delivery of instructional and promotional assets for InterPro efforts.
Leadership Team
- The Leadership Team provides necessary support to enable the efficient execution of InterPro's overall operation. The Leadership Team functions to ensure strong lines of communication between each sub-unit, encouraging alignment to InterPro's mission, pursuit of its vision, and overall effectiveness of execution.
Learning Environment
- A learning environment is a combination of social and physical qualities that create the classroom experience. It includes classroom management procedures, as well as the way the space is organized, furnished and maintained.
- A learning management system (LMS) is a software application or Web-based technology used to plan, implement, and assess a specific learning process. Typically, a learning management system provides an instructor with a way to create and deliver content, monitor student participation, and assess student performance.
Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP)
The Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP) provides state and local municipalities with the resources and training required to manage their road systems. Training — from government and industry experts, engineering consultants, contractors, and highway and enforcement agency representatives — includes one-day workshops in several different locations around the state. Resources include videos, and online and printed manuals, bulletins, and Crossroads articles.
The UW-LTAP is part of the National Local Technical Assistance Program Association (NLTAPA), as Wisconsin's LTAP center.
Marketing Message
- Marketing Message is content within promotional material that is designed to inform the reader about what to expect and why they should attend a course. Examples of Marketing Message content include: target audience, attending benefits, course content, and testimonials. It is often reviewed and updated with input from both the Program Director and/or Program Associate and the EPD Marketing team. It does not include administrative/logistical information.
Program Number
- A Program Number can currently be viewed in CSIS by using the unique ET Instance Number assigned to a unique offering of a course being held over specific dates in a specific location. See also: Instance Number [KB Program Number]
Program Support
Program Support is responsible for working with program directors, department faculty, guest lecturers, instructional designers, technical specialists, and student employees to coordinate the scheduling, development, and delivery of both credit and non-credit courses from inception through evaluation.
W-9 Form
- Form W-9 is a commonly used IRS form titled Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification. True to its name, individuals and entities use the form to provide their taxpayer identification number to entities that will pay them income during the tax year. Companies use your W-9 for accounting purposes but doesn't send the form to the IRS. The information is used to prepare 1099-MISC forms at the end of the year.