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Microsoft 365 (Outlook on the web | Outlook for Windows/Mac) - Manage permissions to an email folder

There are times when you need to provide permissions to an email folder to a colleague. If you are looking to grant permissions to your whole account, use these instructions instead: Microsoft 365 - Manage Full Mailbox, Send As, and Send on Behalf of Permissions. For a complete list of email permissions in Office 365, please see Office 365 - Mail and Calendar folder permission levels.

Note: Managing permissions on a mobile device cannot be performed. Use the "Outlook on the web" instructions instead.

Permission levels

Outlook on the web - managing permissions

  • In the example below, Bucky is managing permissions to his "Air_Gun" folder.

    Add/modify permissions

    1. Log into Office 365 account via Outlook on the web.
    2. On the left hand side, right click the folder you want to update permissions.
    3. Select Permissions from the drop-down menu.
    4. Click the + icon in the top left of the permissions menu.
    5. Enter the email address of the person you want to give permissions to and click Add.
    6. Select their name from the list, and then assign the desired permissions and click OK.

      Important: If you are giving permissions to a folder (the child) that is a subfolder to another folder (the parent), you must give that person 'Folder visible' permissions to the parent folder(s) as well.

    7. In addition, you must also assign this user 'Folder visible' permissions to your accounts' top folder heading, named Folders.
      1. On the left hand side, right click the Folders heading.
        folders heading
      2. Select Permissions from the drop-down menu.
      3. Click the + icon in the top left of the permissions menu.
      4. Enter the email address of the person you want to give permissions to and click Add.
      5. Select their name from the list, and then check the box labeled "Folder visible" and click OK.
      6. Notify the person you granted permissions to that they now have access to the specific folder(s)
    8. Notify the person you granted permissions to that they now have access to the specific folder(s)

    Remove permissions

    1. Log into Office 365 account via Outlook on the web.
    2. To remove the permissions from a folder, right click the folder you want to update and select Permissions from the drop-down menu.
    3. Select their name from the list and click the TRASH icon located in the top left of the menu.
    4. Click OK.

Outlook for Windows - managing permissions

  • Add/modify permissions

    1. Start Outlook.
    2. Go to "Mail".
    3. Right-click on your top level mailbox folder (your name):

      outlook mailbox

    4. Select Folder Permissions from the drop-down menu.

      Folder Permissions

    5. Make sure you are on the 'Permissions' tab.
    6. Click the Add button.

      Add button

    7. Make sure you are searching against the "Global Address List", enter the name or fully qualified email address of the individual and click Go.
    8. Select their name from the list and click the Add button.
    9. Click OK.
    10. On the properties screen, make sure their name is selected, then place a check mark within the "Folder visible" box and click OK.

      Assign Permissions

    11. If the folder you are granting permissions to is a sub-folder of another folder, you must grant "Folder visible" permissions to each folder for this user - do this by repeating the steps 3-10 for each sub-folder.
    12. Next, right-click on the desired folder you wish to provide permissions for from the folder list and select Properties... from the drop-down menu.
    13. Click 'Permissions' tab.
    14. Click the Add button.
    15. Make sure you are searching against the "Global Address List", enter the name or fully qualified email address of the individual and click Go.
    16. Select their name from the list and click the Add button.
    17. Click OK.
    18. Select their name from the list, and choose the desired permission level from the "Permission level" select box. Note: When you select a permission level, the appropriate permissions are assigned (checked) below this selection.

      Assign Permissions

    19. Click OK.
    20. Notify the person you granted permissions to that they now have access to the specific folder(s)

    Remove permissions

    1. Start Outlook.
    2. Go to "Mail".
    3. Right-click on the specific folder you wish to remove the individual's permissions from, and select Properties... from the drop-down menu.
    4. Click 'Permissions' tab.
    5. Select their name from the list and click the Remove button.
    6. Click OK.

Outlook for Mac - managing permissions

  • Add/modify permissions

      1. Start Outlook.
      2. Go to "Mail".
      3. Right-Click the mailbox folder you wish to share.
    outlook mailbox - right-click on account/address
    1. Select Sharing Permissions... from the drop-down menu.
    2. Ensure you are on the permissions tab.
    3. Click the Add User...
    4. In the search bar type the users' email address and select their name once it appears.
    5. Click the Add button.
    6. From within the "Folder Properties" screen, make sure the user is selected and assign folder visible permissions.
    7. Click OK when finished.
    8. If the folder you are granting permissions to is a sub-folder of another folder, you must grant "Folder visible" permissions to each folder for this user - do this by repeating the steps 3-10 for each sub-folder.
    9. Right-Click the desired folder or sub-folder you wish to be shared and choose Sharing Permissions... from the sub-menu.
    10. In the Folder Properties > Permissions window:
    11. Click Add User...
    12. In the search bar type the users' email address and select their name once it appears.
    13. From within the "Folder Properties" screen, make sure the user is selected and assign the desired permissions.
    14. Click OK when finished.
    15. Notify the person you granted permissions so that they now have access to the specific folder.

    Remove permissions

    1. Start Outlook.
    2. Go to "Mail".
    3. Right-click on the specific folder you wish to remove the individual's permissions from, and select Properties... from the drop-down menu.
    4. Click 'Permissions' tab.
    5. Select their name from the list and click the Remove button.
    6. Click OK.

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