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UW-Madison Qualtrics - Survey Resources

This document provides information on resources available to UW-Madison Qualtrics users that can assist with the development and implementation of effective surveys.

Campus Survey Resources

Implementing an effective survey is a complex process. For meaningful results, issues such as how questions are worded, how samples are drawn and response rates should all be carefully considered. Depending on your needs, the following organizations are uniquely equipped to assist you in developing your survey.

  • University of Wisconsin-Madison Office of Testing and Evaluation Services: Implements course evaluations for timetable courses.
  • University of Wisconsin Survey Center: Provides a full-range of survey services, from question development to data analysis. They also conduct mail, phone, CAPI surveys and focus groups. They provide assistance obtaining and managing samples, with question wording and designing field techniques for increasing participation.

Qualtrics Resources

Qualtrics Support has many resources to help you with survey design, creation, distribution and reporting. Site topics include:

  • Survey Basics
  • StatsIQ
  • Distributing
  • Reporting
  • Integrations & API
  • Training

As well as an advanced search to find exactly what you need.

Qualtrics hosts a Community Forum as well as a Higher Education Community Forum. The Qualtrics Forums are a great place to ask questions and connect with your peers.

help support assistance creating creation developing develop implementing implementation surveys data analytics analysis question wording techniques samples community forum 
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DoIT Help Desk, UW-Madison Qualtrics Survey Hosting