Support News

Attend A Virtual UW–Madison Zoom Training Session

Posted: 2020-10-02 12:35:47   Expiration: 2020-10-15 12:35:47

Disclaimer: This news item was originally posted on 2020-10-02 12:35:47. Its content may no longer be timely or accurate.

Faculty, staff and students interested in learning more about Zoom are invited to attend our new virtual training sessions. Presented by UW Extension in partnership with DoIT, two types of classes are available. Click the dates and times you’d like to join.

Zoom Technical Training: What Happens BEFORE Your Meeting

It’s the nuts and bolts behind the bells and whistles. This training covers the administrative work that happens before a Zoom Meeting starts including: scheduling, creating polls, email invitations and registration.

Zoom Meeting Training: What Happens IN Your Meeting

Let’s be honest, if you’re not careful one hour of video conferencing can feel like two (or three). In this training we will cover how to smoothly run a Zoom Meeting, while engaging your audience by utilizing several of the native Zoom tools including: breakout rooms, polling, annotation, and screen sharing.

For immediate answers to most UW-Madison Zoom questions, please search our Zoom KnowledgeBase. For other questions about UW-Madison Zoom, contact the DoIT Help Desk.

View the original announcement here.

-- UW-Madison Zoom