Support News

Canvas - SCORM Scores Not Sending (10/12) [UPDATED]

Posted: 2020-10-12 12:14:14   Expiration: 2020-10-26 12:14:14

Disclaimer: This news item was originally posted on 2020-10-12 12:14:14. Its content may no longer be timely or accurate.

We've had reports from different courses that use SCORM in their instruction that have not seen any completions or scores recorded to their gradebooks since the update that was made to the SCORM LTI on Saturday, October 10th.

We are continuing to work with Instructure on troubleshooting this issue, but a workaround has been found in the meantime. If a SCORM package is used in a Canvas course, the SCORM item should include a score component that sends to the Canvas gradebook, which will then be recorded as completed.

There was a known issue previously that a score of "0" may be sent on completed SCORM items to the Canvas gradebook if using certain browsers, and more information on this issue is available here. This newly reported issue affects multiple browsers, but no completion information is being received.

We will continue to update this news item with more information as we receive it.

-- Learn@UW-Madison: Susan Sloan