Virus - HouseCall's Free Online Virus Scan

This document explains how to run the free online virus scan offered by HouseCall. You must have a working internet connection in order to run this scan.
Self Help
NOTE: These products are not supported by the Help Desk. This document is provided for self help purposes only. Please contact the manufacturer or system developer for help.

Trend Micro makes a free online product called HouseCall. It can be accessed at

HouseCall is an antivirus program that can scan for computer viruses while you're online. It is great for people that don't own any form of an antivirus program or for routine scanning. While this tool is excellent for diagnosing if you already have a virus, it will not protect you from getting a computer virus in the future. However, it is always a good idea to run scans monthly. Best of all, it's FREE. For adequate protection against viruses, an antivirus program must be installed and running on your computer to ensure that no nasty viruses will get activated on your computer.

Using HouseCall

  1. Go to
  2. Select the correct version for your computer. If you don't know which version you need, see Windows 7 & Vista - Determining 32-bit or 64-bit Versions.
  3. Click on Download HouseCall to begin. HouseCall requires a small download in order to run.
  4. Open the downloaded file. HouseCall will take a few moments to update.
  5. Read the terms of their user agreement. Accept the terms if you agree, and click on Next.
  6. Click Scan Now. The scan will start and may take a while to complete. We recommend running it overnight.

Keywordsantivirus virus online scan housecall pc-cillin trend micro trendmicro free ie internet explorer netscape selfhelpdisclaimer   Doc ID1049
OwnerJeff W.GroupDoIT Help Desk
Created2001-06-26 19:00:00Updated2022-06-08 16:34:14
SitesDoIT Help Desk
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