Kaltura - Media Collaboration: Changing Media Ownership, Adding Co-editors, Co-publishers, and Co-viewers [UW-Madison]

This document covers Kaltura Mediaspace's collaborators feature which you can use to give other users rights to your media in Kaltura MediaSpace.

With the collaborators feature you are able to designate other users as the owner of a media item, or add other users as co-editors and co-publishers of your media items. This is useful if you work in a collaborative environment in which other people need to edit or publish media for you. For example an instructor uploads a video and designates a local support person as a co-editor and/or co-publisher so that person can edit the description, and embed the content in a learning management system or departmental website. For more information on the collaboration feature, please see the Kaltura document: Change Media Owner and Add Collaborator. To access the Collaobration tab:

  1. Launch Chrome or Firefox and login to Kaltura Mediaspace at mediaspace.wisc.edu. If you need more information on how to log in to MediaSpace please see Kaltura - How to Log in to Kaltura MediaSpace [UW-Madison] . You can also access your Kaltura MediaSpace media inside Canvas by using Kaltura My Media which allows you to skip to step 3.
  2. Click on your name or the person silhouette icon in the upper right corner and click My Media:
    Screenshot showing the user having clicked their user icon in Kaltura MediaSpace with the cursor hovering over the drop-down menu option "My Media".
  3. Search for or scroll until you find the video you want to edit.
    Click on the media’s Edit button which looks like a pencil:
    Screenshot showing a user's Kaltura Mediaspace media displayed. The cursor hovers over a pencil icon. The pencil icon and cursor are outlined in red.
  4. Click the Collaboration tab:
    A screenshot showing the Kaltura MediaSpace "Collaboration" tab having been clicked on. The tab is outlined in orange to help point it out. Below the tab there is text for "Media Owner: Change who can administer and is credited with media. Note that this is not necessarily the copyright owner of the content". Next to that text is a "Change media owner" button. Under that is "Media Collaborations: Select users that are allowed to edit the content metadata and related assets (such as caption files) and/or allowed to publish." Next to that is a "+ Add Collaborator" button.
  5. Click Change media owner button to change the media owner, or the + Add Collaborator button to add a co-editor, co-publisher, or co-viewer to the media item. You can add a person by name or NetID - we suggest you use the person's NetID. The person needs to have logged into Kaltura MediaSpace at least once to be available to be added.
    • Co-Editor: Co-Editors can edit the entry's details and metadata, trim media, replace media, edit captions, edit chapters and edit slides. Co-editors cannot delete media or add new co-editors and co-publishers. Co-editors can see the analytics page for the media they co-edit.
    • Co-Publisher: Co-Publishers can publish the media anywhere that the co-publishing user has rights to publish.
    • Co-Viewer: Co-Viewers can view media, even if you have not published it.
Media Permissions per Role
 Permission Level
 View Media
 Publish Media
 Edit Captions
 Delete Media
 Add Co-Editors, Co-Publishers, or transfer media ownership
 Co-Viewer  X        
 Co-Publisher  X  X      
 Co-Editor  X  X    
 Owner  X  X  X  X  X

Known Issues

  • The person you are trying to add must have logged into Kaltura MediaSpace at least once in order for you to be able to find a person and add them as a collaborator. If the user has not logged in at least once, you will get an error message: "Error: user does not exist". Once you've confirmed the user has logged into http://mediaspace.wisc.edu/ try adding them to the media entry again.
  • If you would like to retain access to media but change ownership from you to someone else, make sure you add yourself as a co-editor/publisher before changing the owner.

Bulk Requests

Only Kaltura administrators can update the co-owners or co-publishers of multiple media items at a time. To request updates to multiple media items, see Kaltura - Forms for Requesting Bulk Changes to Kaltura Media [UW-Madison].

Keywordspermissions, share, edit, publish, owner, ownership, publisher, co-owners, co-publishers, collaborators, add, update, change, media, rights, account, assign, collaborate,role access   Doc ID49707
OwnerLearn@UW MadisonGroupLearn@UW-Madison
Created2015-03-27 17:33:53Updated2024-01-02 12:39:15
SitesDoIT Help Desk, Learn@UW-Madison
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