Topics Map > Campus Services

Leaving the University - Faculty/Staff

This document assists in determining what resources a departing employee needs in order to backup or transfer the data they have stored in DoIT-provided services.

Note: The service eligibility information below only applies to the services provided by DoIT for all faculty and staff. Please be sure to speak with your supervisor if you have any questions about other departmental services or applications you may have had access to.

Which of the following describes the end of your appointment?


Position ending for a reason other than retirement

Which of the following describes your requirement status? Please be sure you have verified this information with your Human Resources department.

Gaining Emeritus/Emerita status

Retaining IT services upon retirement

Retiring without IT services

Unsure of retirement status

AttentionIt is your responsibility to review all data you may have stored and determine what needs to be backed up or transferred. Once your account and data have been deleted, they are gone forever.

Thank you!

Based on what you've told us, we recommend reviewing the below documents for any service you have used while at UW-Madison:

Where Can I Go For Help?

  • If you have any questions regarding your retirement and/or Emeriti status, please contact your Human Resources department.
  • If you have any questions or concerns about your access to Microsoft 365, G Suite, Box, or Qualtrics, please contact the DoIT Help Desk.

Moving Forward

You will continue to be eligible for full Help Desk support for:

  • UW-Madison services you may continue to use
  • Personal computing help

AttentionIt is your responsibility to review all data you may have stored and determine what needs to be backed up or transferred. Once your account and data have been deleted, they are gone forever.

Thank you!

Based on what you've told us, we recommend reviewing the below documents for any service you have used while at UW-Madison:

Where Can I Go For Help?

  • If you have any questions regarding your retirement status, please contact your Human Resources department.
  • If you have any questions or concerns about your access to Microsoft 365, G Suite, Box, or Qualtrics, please contact the DoIT Help Desk.

Moving Forward

You will continue to be eligible for full Help Desk support directly relating to any UW-Madison services you may continue to use.

AttentionIt is your responsibility to review all data you may have stored and determine what needs to be backed up or transferred. Once your account and data have been deleted, they are gone forever.

Thank you!

Based on what you've told us, we recommend reviewing the below documents for any service you have used while at UW-Madison:

Where Can I Go For Help?

  • If you have any questions regarding your retirement status, please contact your Human Resources department.
  • If you have any questions or concerns about your access to Microsoft 365, G Suite, Box, or Qualtrics, please contact the DoIT Help Desk.

Going Forward

You will continue to be eligible for Help Desk support directly relating to your ongoing access to MyUW.

If you aren't sure whether you will be granted Emeritus/Emerita status upon retirement, or if you are retiring as non-Emeritus/Emerita but do not know if you will retain IT services, please contact your Human Resources department. They are responsible for setting this status and can confirm whether you have been approved.

AttentionIt is your responsibility to review all data you may have stored and determine what needs to be backed up or transferred. Once your account and data have been deleted, they are gone forever.

Thank you!

Based on what you've told us, we recommend reviewing the below documents for any service you have used while at UW-Madison:

Where Can I Go For Help?

  • If you have any questions regarding your employment status, please contact your Human Resources department.
  • If you have any questions or concerns about your access to Microsoft 365, G Suite, Box, or Qualtrics, please contact the DoIT Help Desk.

Going Forward

You will continue to be eligible for Help Desk support directly relating to your ongoing access to MyUW.

Keywordsltu departing faculty staff retirement retire email forwarding   Doc ID78567
OwnerHelp Desk KB TeamGroupDoIT Help Desk
Created2017-12-06 11:41:01Updated2023-10-27 14:18:26
SitesBox, DoIT Help Desk, Google Apps, Microsoft 365
Feedback  8   38