HelioCampus AC - Eval Survey Schedule - Creating a New Survey Schedule (Admin) [UW-Madison]

In order to release an HelioCampus AC survey to students or other participants, HelioCampus AC administrators must first create a survey schedule. This document describes how to create a new survey schedule in HelioCampus AC. A survey schedule will generate a survey instance, which can be assigned to course sections.


Launch and Create the Survey Schedules

  1. Select Survey Schedules from the left navigation menu.
    Navigation menu with survey schedules listed (after survey form designer but before survey manager)

  2. Select the blue Add Survey Schedule button near the top of the page to launch the Survey Schedule Wizard.

Creating the Survey Schedule

The Survey Schedule will walk you through six set-up pages. A preview of the questions that are asked on each of the set-up pages can be found below.

The suggested responses assume that you are setting up a schedule for an end-of-term or midterm course evaluation survey that will be delivered to students. If you are using HelioCampus AC for another purpose and need assistance setting up your survey schedule, please contact learnuwsupport@wisc.edu.

1. Survey Type

  • What type of survey would you like?: Select Course Evaluation.
  • Choose one of the following: Select Student Course Evaluation.
  • Course evaluation type: This setting will effect when instructors can see their survey results. In most instances, we recommend selecting End of Term even if you are scheduling midterm evaluations. End of term survey results will not be available to instructors until four days after grades are submitted for the term. If instructors need to see their results before the end of the term, select Middle of Term. You will be able to select the exact date that the survey goes out later in the scheduling process.
    Survey Type Screen

2. Settings

  • Enter a name for the survey schedule: Enter a descriptive name. The name will trickle down to your survey instance, which will be seen by students.

    The name of your survey schedule will be visible to students. Learn@UW-Madison recommends the following best practices when creating a title for your survey schedule:

    • Do not include course titles in your schedule name.
      • Survey schedules will usually apply to multiple courses in your department.
    • Do not include a specific instructor's name in the survey schedule title.
      • Instructors will be identified elsewhere in the survey, provided you set up your survey schedule with instructor style questions.
    • Configure your survey schedule so that it runs every semester.
      • If you decide to do this, do not include specific dates or semester information in the survey schedule title.

    You will not be able to rename your survey after it has been published. Please make sure your title is easy to understand, and generic enough to apply to multiple courses in your department.

  • Select a survey form: Choose the survey you would like to distribute to students from the drop-down menu. You can preview the survey you have selected by clicking the eye icon.
  • Survey results will be anonymous: This box will be checked for all student course evaluations. You cannot change this setting.
  • This is a post graduate survey: This box will be unchecked for all student course evaluations. You cannot change this setting.
  • Exclude Co-Curricular Sections: Can be left checked, or unchecked. Co-curricular sections are currently not used at UW-Madison.
  • Who is this survey for?: Set to academic units, or Both of Academic and Non-Academic Units. HelioCampus AC is only used for Academic Units at UW-Madison.

Screenshot of "Settings" pane that displays when creating a survey

3. Participants

  1. Select the blue Add Survey Participants button to begin.
    Participants Screen

  2. Click the blue + button on the left side of the screen to select groups of participants to include in the survey.
    The Add Participants screen gives you options to include or exclude groups

  3. Select your College and Department(s) and click the blue Add Group button. It is best to keep your participant group general at this point and skip selecting courses.
    Leave the Subject and Course fields blank

  4. The Exclude Group setting is optional. If there are courses that you will never survey, such as independent study courses, you may choose to add them to the exclusion list. Otherwise, you can skip this step.
  5. Confirm that you have selected the correct participant groups to include and exclude. Select the blue Next button to continue.
    Confirm your include and exclude groups

4. Schedule

  • Select a term to schedule surveys: In most instances, you should select the current term.
  • Run this survey schedule every term: If you plan on using the same survey form every semester, check this box. You will then be able to skip creating the survey schedule in future semesters.
    Survey Schedule screen

5. Notify

  • Survey notifications are set at an institutional level. Select Next to continue.
    There are no modifications to make on the notification screen

6. Finish

  • Select Save Survey Schedule to finish and save your schedule.
    "finish" pane is shown. The "Save Survey Schedule" button is located in the middle of the pane.

Publish the Survey Schedule

  1. After you complete the survey schedule set-up, you will be directed to the editing page for your new survey schedule.
  2. The survey schedule will be in Draft status. Publish it by selecting the blue Publish button in the upper-right corner.
    The Publish button is next to Actions and Export

  3. When you publish, the survey instance is automatically created where individual course sections need to be assigned. For additional information, see Assigning Course Sections to a Survey.

KeywordsAEFIS afis aphis schedule evaluations surveys administrators sending wizard co-curricular   Doc ID82011
OwnerLearn@UW MadisonGroupLearn@UW-Madison
Created2018-05-01 13:59:24Updated2024-06-20 11:11:25
SitesDoIT Help Desk, Learn@UW-Madison
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