Topics Map > Course Design > Student Assessment
Topics Map > Technology Integration > Canvas

Using Canvas Quizzes to Create an Anonymous Survey

  1. Select Quizzes from the course navigation.
  2. Select the + Quiz button.
  3. Under the Details tab, give your survey a name and provide survey instructions in the text box.
  4. Select Ungraded Survey from the Quiz Type menu.
  5. Select the Keep Submissions Anonymous box. (Note: This feature must be turned on first under Course Settings (Settings | Feature Options | Anonymous Grading).
  6. Click on the Questions tab.
  7. Add the questions to your survey. Select from the following question types: Multiple Choice, True/False, Fill-In-the-Blank, Fill In Multiple Blanks, Multiple Answers, Multiple Dropdowns, Matching, Numerical Answer, Formula Question, Essay Question, File Upload Question, and Text (no question).
  8. When done, select Save & Publish.

Keywordssurvey, anonymous, CanvasDoc ID103882
OwnerTimmo D.GroupInstructional Resources
Created2020-07-10 15:31:00Updated2024-08-23 15:38:09
SitesCenter for Teaching, Learning & Mentoring
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