WebCheckout - Equipment Checkout Policies
This document notes all current policies for the InfoLabs equipment circulation service. The information is reviewed and updated annually.
Procedural Notes
- A current, valid Wiscard must be presented at time of checkout.
- The due date for items can be checked online or through the standard confirmation emails sent at time of borrow or renewal.
- Checkout location hours can be found online or in the the standard confirmation emails sent at time of borrow or renewal.
- Please return items at least one hour before closing on the day that the items are due.
- For locations that are open past midnight, please return them before 11:00 pm.
- If an item cannot be renewed for any reason, it should be returned by the due date.
- Any and all questions regarding technology circulation, including policy, fines, or support requests can be directed to technologycirculation@library.wisc.edu.
Service Eligibility
The following list constitutes the eligible groups for InfoLabs circulation services.
- All Current UW-Madison Employees
- All Enrolled UW-Students
Checkout Policies
- Patrons are limited to one checkout of each item type (laptop, camera, tablet, video camera, etc.) at a time.
- By accepting the equipment at checkout, the patron agrees to the following policies and that all items parts included with the equipment have been received and are in working condition.
- Problems with, damage to, or loss or theft of the hardware loaned must be reported immediately. Failure to do so will result in repair and/or replacement fees.
- Any damage to, loss or theft of loaned equipment during the loan period is the sole responsibility of the borrower as well as subsequent repair or replacement costs up to the original value of the item(s).
- Costs assessed to a patron must be paid before new equipment can be borrowed from any equipment circulation location.
- Users found to have damaged equipment will be blocked from borrowing more equipment until such time as the damage fees have been assessed and paid in full.
- Borrowers must not check out equipment for use by any other student or individual; doing so could result in permanent revocation of borrowing privileges.
- When a non-laptop is checked out it can be renewed nine times (total of 70 day) by the patron on the online portal.
- When a laptop is checked out it can renewed 14 times (total of 105 days) by the patron on the online portal.
- If the renewal does not work, or all renewals have been used, the item must be returned.
Return Policies
- Equipment must be returned to the same location from which it was checked out.
- Items dropped off at locations other than the original borrowing location, are not considered returned and will accrue late fines until they are retrieved by the borrower and returned to the correct location.
- It is the sole responsibility of the borrower to verify that the location is open when planning to return the item.
- During a term a patron can receive up to 70 days with an item(s) (nine renewals). After that the item(s) must be returned, and items of the same type may not be checked out until the next semester.
- Items must be returned by the end of the term. Example: a laptop is checked out the first day of the Fall term, it must be returned on its due date, but before the start of Winter Break if renewed.
- If you need an exception, please email technologycirculation@library.wisc.edu.
- If an item cannot be renewed for any reason, it should be returned by the due date.
Overdue Items
- The primary penalty we apply for overdue equipment is a hold on your WebCheckout account, which blocks you from checking out any equipment from any campus InfoLab until the hold is removed.
- Additional penalties, such as replacement fees and registration holds are applied after being overdue for a specified duration (20 days) and are removed upon return of the item. If you have lost the item the replacement fee must be paid.
- Unpaid fines stay in the system indefinitely.
- Fines must be paid in-person and can only be paid with a credit card, debit card, or Wiscard, not with cash or check at the College Library InfoLab. No exceptions.
How to Renew a Checkout
- Please see WebCheckout - How To - Renew a Checkout (wisc.edu) to learn how to renew a checkout if applicable.