No. | Document Title | ID | Updated | Views |
1 | L&S Gift Management: How to support a student organization | 46455 | 2024-09-23 | 6212 |
2 | L&S Gift Management: How to clear overdrafts on fund 233 gift accounts | 26520 | 2024-09-23 | 7049 |
3 | L&S Gift Management: How to transfer UW Foundation funds to a 233 Project | 20141 | 2024-07-26 | 12334 |
4 | L&S Gift Management: How to pay a vendor using UW Foundation Funds | 21946 | 2024-05-06 | 5162 |
5 | L&S Fund Management: Fund Numbers | 53388 | 2023-07-06 | 83387 |
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