Cisco Jabber information

Jabber allows you to make and receive audio-only calls on your computer, using your UW work phone number.
Requirements for Jabber:
  • Install Jabber software (KB 78622)
  • Log into Jabber, via NetID authorization (KB 72533)
  • Make and receive calls in Jabber (KB 72544)
  • Make conference calls in Jabber (KB 79867)
  • If you can make long-distance or international calls on your office phone, you can in Jabber as well.  Unlike your office phone, no dialing prefixes are required.  (See “Dialing Restriction” information at KB 79021)
    • For Local or Campus calls, enter the 7-digit number [2631234]
    • For long-distance, just enter the area code and number [2125556789]
    • For International calls, start with a “+” (plus sign) and enter the country code and number [+4478966456] 
Note (from KB 78622)
Due to many users working off-campus due to the COVID19 pandemic, you may now download Jabber to your personally owned laptop. After campus resumes normal operations, this permission may be revoked. If you are working off-campus, do not use Jabber to call 911. Please use your personally-owned telephone for 911 calls.

voip at home 
Doc ID:
Owned by:
Adam W. in MERIT
MERIT, School of Education