Below is a list of external resources available to pharmacy staff (Log-in may be required)
American Society of Health-System Pharmacists Foundation Association to encourage, provide for, and engage in research, professional study, and the advancement of the science of hospital and institutional pharmacy
ASHP Pharmacy Forecast Annual report focusing on important pharmacy developments that are likely to challenge health systems
Wisconsin Pharmacy Quality Collaborative Partnership to resolve drug therapy problems, improve adherence, and engage patients in their own care
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Initiative to advance research and evidence to make health care safer and improve quality
American College of Clinical Pharmacy Foundation Collaboration providing professional development, advocacy, and resources that enable clinical pharmacists to achieve excellence in research
American Pharmacists Association Foundation Alliance to support research projects that establish new models of practice for pharmacists and redefine patients’ healthcare experiences
Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy Foundation Platform to advance the quality and affordability of our health care system by promoting the application of medication-related research and education
Vizient Research Tool Kit Curated content of research topics including study design, database management, and statistics

KeywordsExternal Resources   Doc ID90893
OwnerMike F.GroupUW Health Pharmacy
Created2019-04-07 14:59:16Updated2023-04-13 09:53:18
SitesUW Health Pharmacy
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