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SIS/Managing Your Enrollment - Faculty Center: Viewing Class Roster
The class roster is the official class roster of enrolled student. It will always reflect up-to-the-minute enrollment in your class.
The class list email addresses and Photo Roster are refreshed 6 times a day. You may experience a temporary discrepancy between students actually enrolled in your class and the email addresses/photos available in the class roster.
Accessing Class Rosters
While these instructions demonstrate how instructors can access a class roster in Faculty Center, departmental Curricular and Enrollment Representatives can also access a class roster in SIS > Curricular & Enroll Rep WorkCenter > e-Class Roster.
- Login to MyUW, then select the Faculty Center tile.
- The main page will default to display current term information. To view a different term, click the Change Term button.
If the term you desire is not available, contact the department's Curricular Representative. - Class roster will display next to each course you are listed as the Instructor of Record.If a class section is missing, contact the department's Curricular Representative to confirm your name has been added as the Instructor of Record. Note- sections for which you are not instructing will not appear in your Teaching Schedule.
Tip- under My Teaching Schedule, click “view all” to ensure that you see all of your classes - Click on the Class Roster
icon to the left of the section you wish to view, and your class roster will display.
Note: Although all sections of a Cross-listed or Meets-with course will appear, the Class Roster icon will appear only once in this listing with the primary department course title.
Cross-list and Meets-with classes consist of the following:
- XL: This section is cross-listed with another department/s.
- MW: This section meets with another course and/or department.
- XM: This section is cross-listed and meets-with another course and/or department.
- SL: This section is a section level meets-with another course and/or department.
Class Roster Tab
- The Student Enrollment Status field defaults to display Enrolled students.
Select "Waiting" from this drop-down menu to display students on the automated wait list in alphabetical order.
Select "Dropped" from this drop-down menu to view students who may have dropped this section and the date the student dropped this section. This will display only students that have dropped as of the first date of the session of this class.
- The info icon to the right of the Student Enrollment Status provides commonly asked questions related to the wait list functionality.
- The Photo Roster button provides a PDF document displaying student photos of enrolled students.
- The info icon to the right of the Photo Roster button provides information regarding the class roster data and fields.
- The Detail link allows you to view the Class Detail page for further information about this section (i.e enrollment capacity, status, available seats, room assignment, final exam information, textbook information, etc.)
- The Download Grid link allows you to export student data to a spreadsheet.
Email Tab
The Class Roster includes Student Email Addresses. Select the Email tab to view this information.
- You can enable your Class List email by selecting the Enable and Modify Your Class List link.
This link will direct you to the login page to begin the process of creating and accessing your email class list. Follow the instructions on that page to have your email list created using WiscList.
Contact the DoIT Help Desk if you experience difficulties sending email to your Class List.
- Note: The column titles "Date Added" displays on this tab. This will display the date added for students in each of the three Student Enrollment Statuses (Enrolled, Dropped. Waiting).
Downloading Student Data to a Spreadsheet or
Opening the Photo Roster
The Download Grid link allows you to export student data from the Class Roster or the Email tab to a spreadsheet.
The Photo Roster allows you to view photos of enrolled students in a PDF format.
Since both documents will open a separate window, you might need to allow pop-ups/disable pop-up blockers in your browser.
If you experience any difficulties, please consult your technical staff or the DoIT Help Desk