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Topics Map > Student Information System (SIS)

SIS/Building Your Schedule of Classes - Maintain Schedule of Classes: Adding a Section to an Existing Course


This document provides instructions on how to add a new class section to an existing course that has already been scheduled in SIS.


Adding a new class section to an existing course must be done in Maintain Schedule of Classes. This document will walk through the process on each of the five tabs.

Basic Data

From Home, select: Curric & Enroll Rep WorkCenter > Maintain Schedule of Classes. The "Find" page will display. Search by Term and Subject Area to view a list of all scheduled courses, or search by Term, Subject Area, and Catalog Nbr to find a specific course. 
search for maintain schedule of classes

Step 1

Navigate to the last scheduled section of the course by clicking the link for Last on the top of the Class Sections bar. Select the "+" add row button to add a new class section. 
Plus button circled in Class Sections

Step 2

Enter section information in the required fields. Use the lookup icon as needed instead of entering information directly. Use the document SIS/Building Your Schedule of Classes - Maintain Schedule of Classes: Basic Data Tab to determine which fields must be completed and to read descriptions of the fields.
Required fields are highlighted on basic data tab

Important Notes

  • Once saved, the Session and Section may not be changed. To ensure you are scheduling in the correct Session, refer to the Session Codes and Curricular Weeks page on the Office of the Registrar's website.
  • Section numbers should never be repeated, even if they are scheduled in different sessions. 
  • The lookup icon will only show you component types that are available to select for that course. 
  • Enrollment Section refers to the section that students select when using Course Search & Enroll. If you are scheduling a standalone section (e.g. Lecture, Seminar, Field St) that section will be the Enrollment Section. If you are adding a secondary component, (Discussion, Lab) that is typically the Enrollment Section, and the connected Lecture will be the Non-Enrollment Section. 

Step 3

Add any additional information, such as Class Topic or Course Attribute, if needed.
Option fields highlighted on basic data tab, Class Topic and Class Attributes


Step 1

In the Facility ID field, enter code "0000 GA RM" if you require a General Assignment classroom, or the facility ID of a departmentally-controlled room. 

Required fields are highlighted on the meetings tab for Meeting Pattern, Instructors for meeting Patterns and Room Characteristics

Step 2

Enter a Meeting Pattern by using the lookup icon, or entering the beginning and ending times for the class and selecting the boxes for the days of the week. 

Be sure to indicate AM and PM in the time Mtg Start and Mtg End fields. 

Step 3

Enter the EMPL ID for the instructor, or use the lookup icon to search for and select the instructor. Every section must have at least one principal instructor. Select the "+" to add a new row if additional instructors are needed. Be sure to review SIS - Instructor Assignments: Guidelines and Considerations

Step 4

Include any room characteristics you require. Use the lookup icon to search for and select characteristics. 

Enrollment Controls 

Step 1

Enter the requested room capacity and enrollment capacity. Enter a wait list capacity if you will be utilizing a wait list for this course section. 

Required fields are highlighted on the enrollment controls tab

Step 2

If this section will be part of an enrollment package, be sure to include the course section in the 1st Auto Enroll Section, and 2nd Auto Enroll Section if needed.


Step 1

Click the lookup icon to search for a standard note if needed. If you would like to add your own note, you can type in the Free Format Note box. Notes should only be used for essential course information that students need to know prior to enrolling in the course section. For example, evening exams will be given. 

To add a second note, click the "+" button to add a new row for an additional note. 

Lookup icon and plus button are circled on notes tab


You do not need to take any action on this tab other than to review the information. This page indicates if the course section will have a final exam and, if so, the exam date once Curricular Services has assigned it.

Keywordsadd, course (courses, class), course search and enroll, schedule (scheduler), sis (SIS)   Doc ID119135
OwnerKate K.GroupOffice of the Registrar
Created2022-06-20 14:59:25Updated2024-07-01 10:30:44
SitesOffice of the Registrar
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