Topics Map > Student Records
DARS/Faculty&Staff - Request a DARS audit
Below are the steps for requesting a DARS audit for a student.
Request a DARS audit for a student (declared programs)
Request a DARS audit for a student ("What-If")
Request a DARS audit for a student (declared programs)
For staff (faculty, advisors, student workers) who have already logged into DARS, you may request a DARS audit for a student by following these steps:
Step 1:
Enter a student’s Campus ID in the dialog box (circled in red below) and click "Get Plans."
Step 2:
Select the Major/Degree Plan by clicking the appropriate radio button.

At the bottom of the page, click the "Submit Request" button.

Step 4:
At the top left of page, click the "View Requested Reports" link.

B. Some Schools/Colleges allow faculty/staff to select a "What-If" audit that changes Honors status:

Step 5:
Once the audit has processed, you can choose the "Individual Requests" tab at the top of the page to see only individual reports or choose the "All Requests" tab to see all individual requests and batch requests.

Step 7:
If you wish to generate a two-column PDF, select the checkbox next to the student’s name and then scroll down to the PDF or email drop-down menu at the bottom left of the grid.

Step 8:
If you choose PDF (two-column audit), it will be downloaded in your browser.
If you choose email, the report will be sent to your email account.
From the grid, you can select the checkbox to the left of name if you wish to select all reports.

Step 9:
If you scroll over one of the column headers in the grid, you will see a drop-down arrow appear.
Click the drop-down arrow to view sorting and filter options. You can select two different sets of criteria to sort the results in the particular column you chose to sort. If you choose two sets, you can select AND/OR in the drop-down.

Step 11:
Filtering options are displayed in the "show rows where" drop-down.

Step 12:
If you wish to copy information from the grid -- for example, a Campus ID -- you must right-click and choose copy; the Ctrl+C keyboard shortcut will not work in the current grid layout.
Request a DARS audit for a student ("What-If")
For staff (faculty, advisors, student workers) who have already logged into DARS, you may request a What-If DARS audit for a student by following these steps:
Step 1:
Select a School/College and Degree Plan Name in the "What-If" report section of the request page. (For a list of Degree Plans for the selected school/college, click the "Selection Help" button)
If you know the Degree Plan Name, you can also type it in.

Step 2:
Modify selection fields to reflect what degree plan attributes you wish to run.
A. Whenever you change a value in the "School, College, or Population" drop-down menu, you must click "Apply Rules" to be sure the correct year's requirements will be included in the What If audit. For example, if a student is in a declared program in the College of Engineering but you want to run a "What If" audit for a major in the College of Letters & Science that the student has not yet declared, you would select that major (Degree Plan) using the "Selection Help" button, and then click "Apply Rules."
For detailed instructions and additional examples of the uses and implications of Apply Rules for Catalog Year and Alt Catalog Year rules, please see KB 94535 (coming soon).

B. Some Schools/Colleges allow faculty/staff to select a "What-If" audit that changes Honors status:

C. Faculty/staff can select which terms to include in the audit: Previous only; Previous/Current; Previous/Current/Future.

(Note: Faculty/staff cannot run audits that include a student's Planned Courses, although students can run their own audits with their planned courses through the Course Search & Enroll app DARS integration. See for more information regarding DARS features available to students.
Click the "Submit Request" button.

Click the "View Requested Reports" link.

Step 5:
Next, you can click on the tabs at the top of the results page based on what you would like to view. You can choose "Individual Requests," "Batch Requests," or "All Requests."

Step 6:
Find the report you ran and choose Interactive Report or the single-column Text Report.

Step 7:
If you wish to generate a two-column PDF, select the checkbox next to the student’s name and then scroll down to the PDF or email drop-down at the bottom left of the grid.

Step 8:
If you choose PDF (two-column audit), it will be downloaded in your browser.
If you choose email, the report will be sent to your email account.
From the grid, you can select the checkbox to the left of "Name" if you wish to select all reports.

Step 9:
If you scroll over one of the column headers in the grid, you will see a drop-down arrow appear.
Click the drop-down arrow to view the filter and sort options. You can select two different sets of criteria to sort the results in the particular column you have chosen. If you choose two sets, you can select AND/OR in the drop-down between the two blank dialog boxes.

If you wish to copy information from the grid -- for example, a Campus ID -- you must right-click and choose copy; the Ctrl+C keyboard shortcut will not work in the current grid layout.