Course Self-Review :: Course Self-Review

Resource for reviewing your course to determine whether it is ready for students.

Course Self-Review

The Course Success Self-Review is an anonymous and quick survey tool for instructors. It is intended to help instructors strengthen the design and delivery of their courses, leading to better learning and student satisfaction. These recommendations are relevant to instruction regardless of modality: online, face-to-face, and hybrid. The Self-Review identifies six success factors (listed below), with supporting recommendations for each factor. Based on your answers, you will receive targeted feedback and resources to help you implement these recommendations.

Taking the Self Review

  1. Start the Self-Review: The Self-Review will take 20 to 60 minutes, depending on the number of success factors you select. You may take the survey as often as you like.
  2. Choose the specific success factors you would like to strengthen in the Self-Review. You can choose all six, though we suggest focusing on two to four, which are the most important things to work on for your course. 
  3. Read the recommendations and rate how effectively you feel you are achieving each of these recommendations. If you choose “Somewhat” or “Not effectively,” you will receive feedback on that recommendation. If you choose “Very effectively,” you will not receive feedback.
  4. After completing the Self-Review, you will be provided a report pointing you to resources that can help you implement these ideas. If you supply your email address, this report can also be emailed to you, making it easy to share the results with a designer or consultant.

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