Results: 1-20 of 123

No.Document TitleIDGroupUpdatedViews
1Inventory (Public)136945ECB Shops Documentation2024-09-041336
2IT Help Desks at UW-Madison603DoIT Help Desk2024-12-1148741
3WiscWeb - Site launch98199WiscWeb2024-10-019564
4KB User's Guide - Documents Tab - Using the Campus Access Setting to Protect Content43893KB User's Guide2023-10-1836842
5Public datasets available in cloud providers104628Public Cloud2023-04-17981
6YouTube - Extension's Official Internal and Public YouTube channels108609Extension Handbook2024-12-201148
7Public Records Law Guidelines for UW Employees131945Russell Labs Hub2024-12-17433
8UW Madison Public Cloud Team Events101516Public Cloud2024-12-0512003
9Contact the Public Cloud Team109785Public Cloud2024-10-143955
10Data Elements Allowed in Public Cloud Platform100124Public Cloud2024-10-143064
11Visitor/guest/public printing to Color_Rm112_Copier (WisCard) - Mac136198Agricultural & Applied Economics2024-09-24402
12REDCap: Public Survey Links137498SMPH Research Informatics 2024-06-211120
13REDCap: Public Reports115637SMPH Research Informatics 2024-04-021768
14REDCap: Enabling reCAPTCHA for Public Surveys111364SMPH Research Informatics 2024-03-203058
15SMPH IT Knowledge Base : SMPH GitLab – Public, Internal, Sensitive, and Restricted Data Guidelines134071SMPH2024-02-13527
16Compliance - Public Records Requests - Submitting a Request101571Extension Handbook2023-11-091472
17Notaries Public Located Within L&S Units25444L&S KB2023-06-026364
18Azure - Making a Public IP Address Static68794Public Cloud2022-07-055535
19Fiber Connection Between Camp Randall Stadium and Wisconsin Public Television6937Network Services2021-04-264111
20Fiber Connection from Capitol to Wisconsin Public Television6893Network Services2020-11-028168
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