Results: 2501-2520 of 4687

No.Document TitleIDGroupUpdatedViews
2501(Madison) Editing an Item Record [Campus login required]49261UWLSS2024-03-1811
2502(Madison) Adding a New Item Record to Existing Holdings [Campus login required]49238UWLSS2024-03-1811
2503(Madison) Creating 853/863 Pairs Using Templates & Auto-Generating the 866 Field [Campus login required]49201UWLSS2024-03-182
2504(Madison) Editing a Holdings Record [Campus login required]49192UWLSS2024-03-184
2505Microsoft 365 (Outlook for Windows | Mac) - Known Issues64126Microsoft 3652024-03-1852834
2506Web Hosting - Windows/IIS Application Pools38673DoIT Web Hosting2024-03-184453
2507Managing third-party meeting bots136072UW LastPass2024-03-152262
2508CHM Undergrads - Undergraduate Evaluations135793Center for Healthy Minds2024-03-14289
2509Reports for Preventing Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence (PSHSV)/Cybersecurity Awareness129366L&S KB2024-03-14566
2510Remote Desktop Connection - Windows135983WCER2024-03-14226
2511Do you have research to share? Let us know!135982School of Human Ecology2024-03-13345
2512Kaltura - Adding Questions to Your Videos with Kaltura Video Quizzes [UW-Madison]60958Learn@UW-Madison2024-03-1316992
2513Bucky Backup (Windows) - Stopping and Starting the Client Scheduler26341Bucky Backup2024-03-136438
2514Bucky Backup - Policy Domains and Management Classes25909Bucky Backup2024-03-1318375
2515Bucky Backup Service - Terms of Use25397Bucky Backup2024-03-137989
2516Resources for git and GitHub Desktop106230SMNG Lab Manual2024-03-13547
2517git: useful commands90966SMNG Lab Manual2024-03-132357
2518ASA Document 827. Memorial Resolution for Joan Leffler135989The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2024-03-12353
2519ASA Document 826. Resolution Thanking the Members of the HR and Payroll Community for Expeditiously Processing the 2023 Pay Plan During the Holiday Period135988The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2024-03-12452
2520Bucky Backup - File Restore Procedure738Bucky Backup2024-03-1219381
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