Results: 3101-3120 of 3174

No.Document TitleIDGroupUpdatedViews
3101Academic Staff Executive Committee Minutes 07-23-1555117The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2015-08-142821
3102Academic Staff Executive Committee Minutes 07-09-1554391The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2015-08-132676
3103Academic Staff Executive Committee Agenda 07-23-1554148The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2015-08-132513
3104ASA Document 570. ASPP Changes 2.01, 8.04, 8.04, 10.0741710The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2015-06-292283
3105ASA Document 569. Background Sheet for ASPP Discussion-Procedures for Tie Votes for Elected Governance Positions41800The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2015-06-292564
3106ASA Document 568. Background Sheet for ASPP Discussion-ASEC Election Calendar41793The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2015-06-292606
3107ASA Document 565. Resolution on Operational Flexibilities for UW System41797The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2015-06-292566
3108Academic Staff Executive Committee Minutes 05-21-1551859The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2015-06-023571
3109Academic Staff Executive Committee Agenda 02-05-1546777The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2015-05-202633
3110Academic Staff Executive Committee Agenda 05-07-1551110The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2015-05-052713
3111Academic Staff Executive Committee Agenda 04-30-1550908The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2015-04-282771
3112Academic Staff Executive Committee Agenda 03-19-1548962The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2015-03-172568
3113Academic Staff Executive Committee Agenda 02-26-1547573The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2015-02-242562
3114Academic Staff Executive Committee Agenda 02-19-1547318The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2015-02-212500
3115Academic Staff Assembly Documents 02-09-1546655The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2015-02-092996
3116Academic Staff Assembly Agenda 02-09-1546661The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2015-02-023073
3117Academic Staff Executive Committee Agenda 01-29-1546535The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2015-01-282680
3118Academic Staff Executive Committee Minutes 01-15-1546426The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2015-01-232397
3119Academic Staff Executive Committee Minutes 01-08-1546425The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2015-01-233001
3120Academic Staff Executive Committee Agenda 01-22-1546325The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2015-01-202461
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