Results: 3701-3720 of 6438

No.Document TitleIDGroupUpdatedViews
3701L&S Cost-Accounting Procedures for 131 Programs Effective FY21110940L&S KB2023-07-061692
3702L&S Fund Management: Program Codes58416L&S KB2023-07-065827
3703L&S Fund Management: Department ID58414L&S KB2023-07-066992
3704L&S Fund Management: Project Numbers58412L&S KB2023-07-064146
3705L&S guidance on "low enrollment" course sections21687L&S KB2023-07-0526441
3706L&S Statement Regarding Online Lecture Notes Services and Authorized Presence in Classroom41187L&S KB2023-07-058848
3707Adding "L&S Credit," Level, or Breadth undergraduate course designations to courses (advice for departments)20092L&S KB2023-07-0518129
3708L&S Criteria for the Workplace Experience Course Attribute73127L&S KB2023-07-057169
3709Criteria for the L&S undergraduate "Level" attribute80568L&S KB2023-07-059904
3710Criteria for the L&S Liberal Arts and Science ("LAS") attribute43819L&S KB2023-07-0510442
3711L&S: Governance review of course proposals19984L&S KB2023-07-0512845
3712L&S Course Proposal Information (Main Overview)116547L&S KB2023-07-052791
3713Degree Conferral Date Information39043Graduate School2023-07-053448
3714Canvas - Known Issue - Updating a SCORM module [UW-Madison]77321Learn@UW-Madison2023-07-037323
3715L&S guidance for department-provided information in Course Search & Enroll118441L&S KB2023-07-032340
3716Word XP - Modifying Custom Toolbars/Toolbar Buttons579DoIT Help Desk2023-07-0240223
3717KB User's Guide - General Info - View Your Institution Sitemap55719KB User's Guide2023-06-3029878
3718Academic Staff Executive Committee Minutes 06-15-23129426The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2023-06-30683
3719WiscVPN - Connecting to the Palo Alto GlobalProtect Client (Linux)85193DoIT Help Desk2023-06-2926153
3720Academic Staff Executive Committee Agenda 06-29-23129364The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2023-06-27562
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