Results: 141-160 of 771

No.Document TitleIDGroupUpdatedViews
141Azure - Azure Service Health Dashboard91787Public Cloud2022-06-201106
142Service Network Status Tool119113Network Services2022-06-17933
143NetID Login Service - Requiring Shibboleth Authentication20414Identity and Access Management2022-05-2515520
144NetID Login Service - Enable multiple web applications on the same host20416Identity and Access Management2022-05-2519495
145University Directory Service (UDS) - Responsible Use54905Identity and Access Management2022-05-253898
146NetID Login Service - Importance of Secure Cookies20429Identity and Access Management2022-05-2512912
147NetID Login Service - Identifying whether your Shibboleth SP was vulnerable to OpenSSL bug39102Identity and Access Management2022-05-2520633
148NetID Login Service - Advanced Configuration Settings87575Identity and Access Management2022-05-254901
149Manifest - Integrating with NetID Login Service26440Identity and Access Management2022-05-2518742
150Active Directory - Non-Interactive Service Accounts13881Identity and Access Management2022-05-1299915
151Endpoint Management Service - SLA Response Times [Campus login required]114499Endpoint Management2021-12-060
152Doodle - Terms of Service99765UW-Madison Doodle2021-12-01881
153UW-Madison Google Workspace - Service Activation Login Error97850UW Google Apps2021-11-302282
154ECMS - User Preferences Service113082ECMS2021-08-171339
155Cybersecurity Elastic Logging Service104220Cybersecurity2021-04-283142
156ECMS - Enterprise Content Management Service - Terms of Use29878ECMS2021-03-2910796
157UW-Madison Qualtrics - Service Eligibility and Requirements13722Qualtrics2021-03-0516948
158Zoom Service Accounts and License Add-Ons [Campus login required]107979Extension Handbook2020-12-181165
159WiscIT - Service Requests within WiscIT [Campus login required]11434DoIT Help Desk2020-08-1315
160Restart Windows Service36667DoIT Help Desk2020-08-1350885
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