Results: 61-80 of 80

No.Document TitleIDGroupUpdatedViews
61Dell Command | Update132610WCER2024-04-231214
62Web Hosting - Established Maintenance Windows29535DoIT Web Hosting2024-04-195530
63DoIT Numbers - Overview6151DoIT Help Desk2024-03-0619916
64Web Hosting - Linux, Apache, PHP, MySQL (LAMP), Java/Tomcat, Node.js, Ruby VM Elmer Services [Campus login required]104198DoIT Web Hosting2024-02-06993
65Campus Recurring Outage Windows5520Network Services2023-12-0125007
66DoIT Shared Tools - GitLab - Service Eligibility121442Shared Tools2023-11-202269
67DiscoverIT Maintenance Policy118518DiscoverIT2023-11-15714
68KB User's Guide - News Tab - News Creating/ Editing Form Fields5270KB User's Guide2023-06-0137231
69Microsoft 365 - Why does UW-Madison need to maintain some local infrastructure for email and calendar after the transition?30579Microsoft 3652023-02-0210109
70Web Hosting - AWS Based Services108958DoIT Web Hosting2022-02-241582
71Responsible Use and Data Maintenance Statement102950Salesforce - UW-Madison, Strategic Partnerships 2022-01-11647
72Best Practices for Creating and Maintaining an L&S Board of Visitors [Campus login required]22739L&S KB2021-11-1835
73TP-Link Bluetooth AC1200 Wi-Fi Bluetooth 4.2 PCIe Adapter USB-F Port Cable23466Dermatology2021-10-138206
74Shop Safety Inspection Resources105394CALS Safety & Health Resources 2020-09-301469
75ASA Document 559. Resolution Maintaining Shared Governance in Wisconsin State Statutes40777The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-132682
76Bucky Backup - Maintenance Schedule1727Bucky Backup2020-01-2715292
77UW-Madison - Policy Portfolio - Configuration and Maintenance58550IT Policy2024-12-2020776
78UW-Madison - IT - Top Policies for all faculty, staff, students, and visitors58217IT Policy2024-12-207652
79MAINTENANCE (state) [Glossary]56395DS 414 Ruminant Nutrition2020-08-301343
80MAINTENANCE (diet) [Glossary]56394DS 414 Ruminant Nutrition2020-08-301362
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