Results: 1-20 of 140

No.Document TitleIDGroupUpdatedViews
1Governance KB Landing Page135137Graduate School2024-09-161364
2Graduate Faculty Executive Committee (GFEC) 2024-2025 Agendas & Minutes129662Graduate School2025-01-145456
3L&S Senate Information21679L&S KB2022-07-257849
4Governance Committee111643Nelson Administrative Hub2024-08-08632
5Staff - Governance Resources78672Interdisciplinary Professional Programs
College of Engineering
6Administration & Governance - Faculty Affairs - Post Tenure Review105239School of Human Ecology2024-11-201529
7Shared Governance Committee / ASM85405Associated Students of Madison2024-08-2913974
8University Staff Shared Governance Participation68851HR Policies2024-04-167169
9Administration & Governance- School of Human Ecology110783School of Human Ecology2023-08-301177
10SoHE Governance Calendar 2022-2023121746School of Human Ecology2023-02-24849
11Administration & Governance - Faculty Critical Review Processes116184School of Human Ecology2022-10-121048
12Administration & Governance - Faculty Affairs - Faculty Sabbatical Leave Process111564School of Human Ecology2022-10-121043
13L&S Governance & Committees21335L&S KB2022-07-255516
14Administration & Governance - Procedures for the Guidance and Evaluation of Probationary Faculty Members105249School of Human Ecology2022-05-261432
15ASA Document 531. Classified Staff Representation on Joint Governance Committees and Meaning of "In Conjunction"40383The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-132647
16Learning Analytics Guiding Principles104805Data KB2024-12-1110178
17L&S Senate - Archive21768L&S KB2024-12-0910168
18L&S Senate Agenda21759L&S KB2024-11-279206
19Wisconsin State Statute 36.09(5)102786Associated Students of Madison2020-09-252566
20Governance Structure142979UW Child Development Lab2025-01-09182
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