Results: 1-9 of 9

No.Document TitleIDGroupUpdatedViews
1Retroactive Language Credit79946CALS Academic Affairs2022-06-071144
2Policy - Earning Credit at UW-Madison116444Academic Planning2022-02-031385
3L&S Retrocredit Requirements and Information23736L&S KB2024-04-2611551
4Tuition Surcharge for Undergraduate Excess Credits133961L&S KB2024-01-11137
5Dropping a Course After Deadline for L&S Students29944L&S KB2023-07-31159947
6Dropping a Course at UW-Madison21705L&S KB2023-07-31134087
7L&S (UW-Madison) Undergraduate Classification & Class Standing21122L&S KB2022-07-0141505
8Olszewski et al. Poster110414UW Health Pharmacy2021-04-21211
9Bagnall et al. Poster96344UW Health Pharmacy2019-12-03469

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