Results: 81-100 of 284

No.Document TitleIDUpdatedViews
81OnCore: DFD - Exclude Protocol On Web?273212024-01-31524
82OnCore: DFD - Drug Accountability239292024-01-31501
83OnCore: DFD - Phase239132024-01-31492
84OnCore: DFD - Objectives238872024-01-31343
85OnCore: DFD - Short Title238862024-01-31336
86OnCore: DFD - Title238852024-01-31365
87OnCore: DFD - Library1176892024-01-31317
88OnCore: DFD - NCT Number245102024-01-31946
89Treatment Tab DFD [Campus login required]861682024-01-057
90Status Tab DFD [Campus login required]861672024-01-054
91OnCore: DFD - Accrual: Not Applicable1017472024-01-03326
92OnCore: DFD - Investigational Device431842024-01-03335
93OnCore: DFD - Precision Trial Classification1017422024-01-03337
94OnCore: DFD - Precision Trial1017402024-01-03299
95OnCore: DFD - Investigational Drug292332024-01-03355
96OnCore: DFD - Companion Study1017382024-01-03433
97OnCore: DFD - Involves Correlates or Companions1017372024-01-03474
98Reviews Tab DFD [Campus login required]912192023-12-1114
99Principal Sponsor245172023-12-11441
100Management Tab DFD [Campus login required]861312023-12-0510
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