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University Committee Meeting Minutes 2015-10-26
approved with November 2, 2015
October 26, 2015
UC members present: Broman, Edwards, Litovsky, Meyerand (chair), Wanner, Wendt
Others: S. Smith, Richard, Felber, Radomski, Schneider, J. Smith, Daniels, McFadden, McGlone, Vanness
1. Meeting called to order: 1:00 PM.
2. Meyerand asked consent to reorder the agenda, postponing item 5 to next week and moving item 8 in its place.
3. Minutes of the meeting of October 19, 2015, approved.
4. Legislative update (PROFS)
a. O’Meara said that concealed carry is not currently even officially introduced, but felt that a Faculty Senate statement would still be useful. Discussion.
b. Fetal tissue bill continues to be seriously discussed in legislature.
5. Senate agenda review.
a. Wendt pointed out typographical errors in Chapter 10 proposal, which will be fixed.
b. Wanner raised question about Chapter 10, section 5.02.C., noting ambiguity as to whether positive departmental vote was required for next level. Consensus that departmental input is important, but unlikely (although not impossible) that a department would vote itself out of existence. Current language allows for that input; faculty voice guaranteed, also at APC level. Ample discussion.
6. Athletic Board update (Mark Covaleski)
Covaleski updated UC on activities and issues facing Athletic Board subcommittees (Academics and Compliance; Equity, Diversity & Student Welfare; Personnel; Finance, Facilities & Operations).
7. Senate agenda review (continued)
a. Continued discussion of Chapter 10/5 revisions. Proposal cleared for Senate.
b. UC agreed that Senate agenda should include resolutions on concealed carry and fetal tissue research.
8. Discussion of post-tenure review (PTR) ad hoc committee proposed revisions to FPP.
a. Edwards provided context and explained process.
b. Wendt suggested that context of professional development not as strong as it could be. Revisions to section A (“purpose”) to address all reasons for review.
c. Ample discussion, including why/how PTR and termination are linked.
9. Provost update (Sarah Mangelsdorf)
a. Mangelsdorf discussed recent interactions with UW System and regents about tenure changes. 180 degree shift is upsetting and seems to be due to breakdown in communications. Feedback from other schools indicates that misunderstanding is widespread. Ample discussion.
b. Mangelsdorf and UC discussed wide variance of existing post-tenure review and other tenure-related policies across campuses. Consensus that each campus needs autonomy they have always had to address different contexts. Ample discussion, including next task force meeting and need for campus to put best proposal forward.
c. Discussion of academic calendar changes and ad hoc committee.
d. Mangelsdorf will present UAPC annual report at Senate.
10. Chancellor update (Rebecca Blank)
a. Wide-ranging discussion about AAU meetings, free speech, civility, Go Big Read, and cranberry bogs.
b. Campaign launch was a success.
c. Official UW statement on concealed carry is the one released through UWPD.
d. Discussion about Faculty Senate, including Cross statement.
e. Broman asked about loss of Perkins loans. Blank answered Perkins accounts for about $30-40M in system, about $20M at Madison. Fighting this in House of Representatives as it represents a major loss, with potentially disastrous impact.
f. Wanner asked about Apple settlement with WARF. Blank expects Apple to appeal; resolution could be years away. Conditionally the ruling is good news, but may be overturned.
11. UCC membership revision
a. Phil Brown (UCC chair) indicated that proposed changes were discussed at last UCC meeting. Some UCC members worried that faculty should make up the committee. Recognition that there are not enough faculty, but also that academic staff have important voice on curriculum. General discussion. Important to get faculty to realize importance of this committee. Language changed in proposal to reflect committee request for “academic staff with instructional titles” rather than “instructional experience.” Extended discussion.
b. Edwards moved approval of the document. Unanimous approval.
12. Some additional discussion on PTR proposal. Broman moved acceptance of ad hoc committee report. Seconded. Unanimous approval.
13. Edwards moved to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. Seconded. Approved: 3:35 PM.
14. UC discussed possible membership of ad hoc committee on IRBs with Susan Ellis Weismer. Issues identified earlier leading to suggestion of ad hoc committee not really seen by Weismer. Meyerand reported feedback from other units that suggest the need for an ad hoc committee to field faculty questions. Ample discussion. Suggestion that listening sessions for junior faculty might be useful; Broman will explore.
15. 3:45 PM: Litovsky departed.
16. Edwards moved to reconvene in open session. Seconded. Motion passed: 4:08 PM.
17. Meeting adjourned: 4:08 PM.