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University Committee Meeting Minutes 2016-02-08

Minutes approved 2/15/2016
Minutes for February 8, 2016

UC members present: Broman, Edwards, Litovsky, Meyerand (chair), Wanner, Wendt
Others present: S. Smith, Felber, Radomski, Daniels, Richard, Laning, Bump, McFadden, Mayrl

Chair Meyerand called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. Ample discussion ensued following up on the Board of Regents and Education Committee meetings. The utility of inviting Board or System representatives to a future UC meeting was discussed, but no consensus was achieved. Those who attended the BoR meetings were particularly impressed with the student presence, the organizers of which will be invited to discuss their concerns with the UC. UC members were assigned to attend one or more of the VCUR finalist visit meetings with shared governance. Litovsky raised the topic of campus climate and leadership messaging. Consensus support for bringing this up with provost and chancellor. The UC unanimously approved the minutes of the meetings of January 25, 2016, January 29, 2016, and February 1, 2016.

O’Meara updated the UC on a legislative bill to increase parking revenue flexibility. PROFS only group registered in favor. Felber announced that PROFS will co-sponsor an event on academic freedom with WISCAPE. PROFS also holding information forum on self-insurance on 2/23.

Meyerand moved to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. The motion was seconded and passed at 1:19 p.m. The UC returned one tenure clock extension for clarification and unanimously approved two other extension requests. Wanner moved to reconvene in open session. Motion seconded and passed at 1:30 p.m.

Meyerand informed Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education Mailick and Associate Vice Chancellor Greenberg of the UC’s proposal for composition of the University Research Council (URC), a hybrid model of appointed and elected members. Ample discussion. Mailick, Greenberg, and the UC also discussed the charge and timing of the IRB ad hoc review committee. Due to the external IRB review currently under way and a commitment by the OVCRGE to conduct its own faculty-led survey review process, the UC decided to suspend this ad hoc committee. Having the office responsible for IRBs address the issues and routinize feedback in a permanent, inclusive, participatory way will avoid confusion and conflict. Mailick concluded with a review of the second round of UW2020, which received ~130-150 abstracts. Approximately 75 faculty reviewers are involved in broad set of transparent reviews that is faculty-driven on all sides. 

Provost Mangelsdorf began her update with a discussion of the Board of Regents meeting. Overarching and most pressing issue is still to what extent campus policy can vary from System’s. Ample speculative discussion. Broman raised topic of faculty workloads and whether this might be the time to start to discuss this issue. Mangelsdorf argued against one-size-fits-all approaches that have dominated, but agreed the time is ripe for deans’ offices in particular to begin this conversation. Wide-ranging digressive discussion followed. 

Chancellor Blank also started her update with a discussion of the Board of Regents meeting, inviting comment and feedback. On tenure issues, she also indicated that campus now has to determine how consistent our policies are with System versions. Still hoping to get our policies approved by the Board in March. Ample discussion, particularly on countering misleading narratives. Need for more conversations and voices to inform discussions. Blank highlighted the well-handled student protest at BoR meetings. Blank provided updates on WARF annual meeting and director search, VCUR candidates, and VCFA vacancy. Litovsky raised the issue of climate and morale. Blank agreed that this is an important topic that should include understanding of recent successes as well (better than usual retention rate against outside offers, for example). Ample discussion. Blank and UC agreed that leadership breakfast ideal place to start, followed by discussions with other groups, such as untenured and newly tenured faculty.

UHS Director Van Orman provided a handout on campus smoke-free policy. New policy largely a clarification and reinforcement of existing policy. Some discussion. 

Meyerand moved to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. Motion seconded and passed at 3:15 pm. The UC decided on its approach for Athletic Board interviews to follow. Discussion of grievance: two outstanding issues to resolve, will require additional information and one more meeting. Four Athletic Board interviews (one more to follow next week).  Broman moved to reconvene in open session. Motion seconded and passed at 5:20 pm.

Meyerand adjourned the meeting at 5:20 p.m.

University committee 
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Julie S. in UW Secretary of the Faculty
UW Secretary of the Faculty