Help Desk - Deactivation Timeline for Microsoft 365, Google Workspace, Zoom, Box, Qualtrics
Effective January 2018, individuals whose University affiliation has changed may begin a deactivation process for the following services:
Affected IT Services
- Microsoft 365
- Google Workspace
- Zoom
- Box
- Qualtrics
Important Notes
- Service-based deactivation will not impact the NetID Login Service.
- If you plan to setup an auto-reply (out-of-office message) on your account, it must be configured prior to your deactivation date. When configuring this setting, set the expiration to extend past your deactivation date. Once your account is deleted, the auto-reply will no longer work.
- The account deactivation timeline is subject to change as the University's license agreements with vendors are subject to change.
The timeline below illustrates the deactivation process for an individual who is no longer eligible for Microsoft 365, Google Workspace, Zoom, Box, or Qualtrics. Please note, the content below is subject to change.
ACTIVE University Affiliation |
Now | No change | Continues | Continues | Continues | Continues | Continues |
University Affiliation CHANGES |
Determined by HR/Registrar processes* | No change | Continues | Continues | Continues | Continues | Continues |
Entering DEACTIVATION process |
Continues | Continues | Loses access | Loses access | Loses access |
Continues | Continues | Continues | Continues | User downgraded to Basic account type | |
30 days after account is selected for deactivation | Second email notification sent | Continues | Continues | Continues | Continues | Continues | |
60 days after account is selected for deactivation | Third email notification sent | Continues | Continues | Continues | Continues | Continues | |
75 days after account is selected for deactivation | Fourth, final, email notification sent | Continues | Continues | Continues | Continues | Continues | |
90 days after account is selected for deactivation | Notifications end |
270 days after account is selected for deactivation |
* Please contact your HR department or the Registrars Office if you any questions about your affiliation status.
** Former student: Alumni, withdrawn, or no longer continuing with the university.
Learn@UW-Madison Tools
There is currently no deactivation timeline for Canvas accounts at UW-Madison; most individuals with access to Canvas and other Learn@UW-Madison tools will be able to log in indefinitely, as long as their NetID/Shibboleth credentials are active. However, Kaltura MediaSpace is available only to Faculty, Researchers, Staff, and Students. Graduates and departing students will lose access to MediaSpace within one week of their final term. However, they will still be able to access Kaltura videos present in previous Canvas courses. Please note that this is subject to change.
See Also:
- Help Desk - Resources for Microsoft 365, Google, Zoom, Box, and Qualtrics account changes or deactivations
- Help Desk - Deactivation Notifications for Microsoft 365, Google, Zoom, Box, and Qualtrics
- Microsoft 365 - Reduced access to services due to an affiliation change
- Office of Human Resources OHR
- Office of the Registrar