ECMS - Imaging User Account Creation: Required Group Membership

This document addresses the required groups for user authentication from different organizations.

[Doc 8386 content is unavailable at this time.]

Required Group membership for accounts to be able to log into the Imaging system based on their appointments' UDDS

For users that have more than one appointment please select the one that is:

  1. Already in use
  2. From the UDDS that is requesting the access

UDDS starts with "A" - UW Madison

  • Regular users ( A_UW_Madison_Campus_Users 
  • Departmental Lead's admin account (NetID): A_UW_Madison_Campus_Admin_Users
  • Secauth staff ( (because users can not add users to a group that they are a member of): A_UW_Madison_SecAuth_LDAP
  • Imaging team admin accounts  have special entries in imaging system configuration files

UDDS starts with "B" - UW Milwaukee

  • All users both regular ( and Departmental Lead ( MIL_UW _MilwaukeeCampus_Users-DC1

UDDS starts with "G" - UW Parkside

  • Regular users ( G_UW_Parkside_Campus_Users

UDDS starts with "T" - UW System

(We do not have a connection to the UW System LDAP for authentication so these users must user UW Madison credentials to access the system.   These users get their UW Madison credentials because they have offices in Dane County.)   

  • All users (both groups): Z_UWSA_Account_Holder and A_UW_Madison_Campus_Users

All others (people from other campuses or outside of the system like auditors and consultants) must get an appointment sponsored by the group requesting  their access.

    imagenow image now perceptive content enterprise management service ECM ECMS document digital account creation user group madison milwaukee parkside system 
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    Owned by:
    Douglas S. in ECMS
    Cybersecurity Operations Center, ECMS