ECMS - Document Imaging Overview

At the University of Wisconsin, we use Perceptive Content software (formerly known as ImageNow) from Hyland Software to deliver the Enterprise Content Management (ECM) document imaging service. This software is supported by UW-Madison, Division of Information Technology (DoIT), Enterprise Internet Services Department.

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Document Imaging Overview

This KnowledgeBase document briefly describes the three main components of Perceptive Content imaging software (formerly known as ImageNow) used at the University. Click on a link below to learn more about each topic:

  1. Classify Documents
  2. Capture Documents
  3. Manage Documents

Classify Documents

Before documents (electronic or "hard copy") can be used by Perceptive Content imaging software, they need to be classified or categorized by type so that you can route and retrieve them easily. For example, you may have numerous vendor invoices which could be classified as "Accounts Payable Invoices." Similarly, you might also have a year's worth of personnel records that you could classify as "Personnel Files 2016."

Capture Documents

After your documents are classified by type, they can be captured by Perceptive Content imaging software so you can route and retrieve them electronically. A couple of ways to get documents into Perceptive Content software include: (1) performing a file import on your existing electronic documents or (2) using a document scanner device to capture documents you have in paper format. You should also review your captured documents to ensure the images are of high quality.

Manage Documents

After documents are captured into Perceptive Content imaging software, they are organized according to an index key structure, similar to putting files into a filing cabinet. You can then do whatever you want with the documents such as:

  • Search
  • Print
  • Archive
  • Integrate with other software such as Oracle/PeopleSoft Human Resource System (HRS), Student Information System (SIS)
  • Route to others to take action (e.g. automate your business process)
  • Analyze
  • Run reports

Imaging Imaging System Experience ImageNow perceptive content Documents in ImageNow basic concepts ecm ecms enterprise content management imaging imagenow perceptive erm 
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Douglas S. in ECMS
DoIT Help Desk, ECMS