ECMS - Perceptive Content Fundamentals - Administration - Workflow - Conditional Routing Rules

Imaging - Perceptive Content Fundamentals - Administration - Workflow - Conditional Routing Rules
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Perceptive Content Fundamentals

Conditional Routing Rules

A Conditional route is a route that is determined by rules that occur dynamically in the process. The next queue in the process is determined by information received by the workflow process. If you add multiple conditions, you can toggle the Boolean operator between AND and OR by clicking it. If you need to delete a condition, select the condition and then click the Delete button.

To use a custom property as a routing condition, define a custom property that is directly assigned to the document type and that is not part of a composite custom property. If you define a composite property as a routing condition, that condition is evaluated as FALSE and the items are not routed. You can set the following custom property types using a routing rule: date, number, and string.

To set a custom property, the item must be associated with that property. If all rule conditions are met, but there is no association between the item and Custom property, then the entire rule fails and the item remains in the current queue.

The property you select in the Custom property list determines the properties that display in the Property list. For example, when you set the Custom property list to a date property type, only date types display in the Property list.

Use queue actions when you want specific events to occur on workflow items. You can assign three types of actions to queues: the inbound queue action, the within queue action, and the outbound queue action. The following table describes these action types in more detail.

Actions and Action Types
Action Type Description Available Action Example
Inbound queue action Inbound actions are applied as workflow items enter the queue, You can specify an interval of time to wait before the inbound action occurs by if selecting or entering a number in the Process after box and designating the interval in the Period box. You must enter a number larger than zero. You can use iScripts for inbound actions but not workflow rules. If you have a case where one document key value is updated based on the value of another document key. For example, document type = X, set drawer to Y.
Within Within queue actions occur as workflow queue items remain in the queue for a action specified interval of time. Specify the interval unit in minutes, hours, or days in the Waiting Period section. You can use either iScripts or workflow routing rules. To route a workflow item to different queues based on a conditions, you can construct a conditional routing rule for the routing queue that accomplishes this action.
Outbound queue action Outbound actions apply as items leave the queue. You can use iScripts for outbound actions, but not workflow rules. If you need a stamp annotation added to each workflow item as it leaves the queue, you can write an iScript to accomplish this action.

Imaging Imaging System Experience Perceptive Content perceptive content Administration Workflow Conditional Routing Rules ecm ecms enterprise content management imaging imagenow perceptive 
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Douglas S. in ECMS
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